
Logger.getEffectiveLevel() Indicates the effective level for this logger. If a value other than NOTSET has been set using setLevel(), it is returned. Otherwise, the hierarchy is traversed towards the root until a value other than NOTSET is found, and that value is returned. The value returned is an integer, typically one of logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO etc.


Logger.getChild(suffix) Returns a logger which is a descendant to this logger, as determined by the suffix. Thus, logging.getLogger('abc').getChild('def.ghi') would return the same logger as would be returned by logging.getLogger('abc.def.ghi'). This is a convenience method, useful when the parent logger is named using e.g. __name__ rather than a literal string. New in version 3.2.


Logger.findCaller(stack_info=False) Finds the caller’s source filename and line number. Returns the filename, line number, function name and stack information as a 4-element tuple. The stack information is returned as None unless stack_info is True.


Logger.filter(record) Applies this logger’s filters to the record and returns a true value if the record is to be processed. The filters are consulted in turn, until one of them returns a false value. If none of them return a false value, the record will be processed (passed to handlers). If one returns a false value, no further processing of the record occurs.


Logger.exception(msg, *args, **kwargs) Logs a message with level ERROR on this logger. The arguments are interpreted as for debug(). Exception info is added to the logging message. This method should only be called from an exception handler.


Logger.error(msg, *args, **kwargs) Logs a message with level ERROR on this logger. The arguments are interpreted as for debug().


Logger.debug(msg, *args, **kwargs) Logs a message with level DEBUG on this logger. The msg is the message format string, and the args are the arguments which are merged into msg using the string formatting operator. (Note that this means that you can use keywords in the format string, together with a single dictionary argument.) There are three keyword arguments in kwargs which are inspected: exc_info, stack_info, and extra. If exc_info does not evaluate as false, it causes exception informa


Logger.critical(msg, *args, **kwargs) Logs a message with level CRITICAL on this logger. The arguments are interpreted as for debug().


Logger.addHandler(hdlr) Adds the specified handler hdlr to this logger.


Logger.addFilter(filt) Adds the specified filter filt to this logger.