Node.firstChild The first child of the node, if there are any, or None. This is a read-only attribute.
Node.cloneNode(deep) Clone this node. Setting deep means to clone all child nodes as well. This returns the clone.
Node.childNodes A list of nodes contained within this node. This is a read-only attribute.
Node.attributes A NamedNodeMap of attribute objects. Only elements have actual values for this; others provide None for this attribute. This is a read-only attribute.
Node.appendChild(newChild) Add a new child node to this node at the end of the list of children, returning newChild. If the node was already in the tree, it is removed first.
exception xml.dom.NoDataAllowedErr This is raised if data is specified for a node which does not support data.
exception xml.dom.NamespaceErr If an attempt is made to change any object in a way that is not permitted with regard to the Namespaces in XML recommendation, this exception is raised.
NamedNodeMap.length The length of the attribute list.
NamedNodeMap.item(index) Return an attribute with a particular index. The order you get the attributes in is arbitrary but will be consistent for the life of a DOM. Each item is an attribute node. Get its value with the value attribute.
xml.dom.minidom.parseString(string, parser=None) Return a Document that represents the string. This method creates an io.StringIO object for the string and passes that on to parse().
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