
HTTPResponse.fileno() Return the fileno of the underlying socket.


HTTPResponse.debuglevel A debugging hook. If debuglevel is greater than zero, messages will be printed to stdout as the response is read and parsed.


HTTPResponse.closed Is True if the stream is closed.


class http.client.HTTPResponse(sock, debuglevel=0, method=None, url=None) Class whose instances are returned upon successful connection. Not instantiated directly by user. Changed in version 3.4: The strict parameter was removed. HTTP 0.9 style “Simple Responses” are no longer supported.


exception http.client.HTTPException The base class of the other exceptions in this module. It is a subclass of Exception.


HTTPConnection.set_tunnel(host, port=None, headers=None) Set the host and the port for HTTP Connect Tunnelling. This allows running the connection through a proxy server. The host and port arguments specify the endpoint of the tunneled connection (i.e. the address included in the CONNECT request, not the address of the proxy server). The headers argument should be a mapping of extra HTTP headers to send with the CONNECT request. For example, to tunnel through a HTTPS proxy server running loc


HTTPConnection.set_debuglevel(level) Set the debugging level. The default debug level is 0, meaning no debugging output is printed. Any value greater than 0 will cause all currently defined debug output to be printed to stdout. The debuglevel is passed to any new HTTPResponse objects that are created. New in version 3.1.


HTTPConnection.send(data) Send data to the server. This should be used directly only after the endheaders() method has been called and before getresponse() is called.


HTTPConnection.request(method, url, body=None, headers={}) This will send a request to the server using the HTTP request method method and the selector url. If body is specified, the specified data is sent after the headers are finished. It may be a string, a bytes-like object, an open file object, or an iterable of bytes-like objects. If body is a string, it is encoded as ISO-8859-1, the default for HTTP. If it is a bytes-like object the bytes are sent as is. If it is a file object, the con


HTTPConnection.putrequest(request, selector, skip_host=False, skip_accept_encoding=False) This should be the first call after the connection to the server has been made. It sends a line to the server consisting of the request string, the selector string, and the HTTP version (HTTP/1.1). To disable automatic sending of Host: or Accept-Encoding: headers (for example to accept additional content encodings), specify skip_host or skip_accept_encoding with non-False values.