
defects The defects attribute contains a list of all the problems found when parsing this message. See email.errors for a detailed description of the possible parsing defects.


attach(payload) Add the given payload to the current payload, which must be None or a list of Message objects before the call. After the call, the payload will always be a list of Message objects. If you want to set the payload to a scalar object (e.g. a string), use set_payload() instead.


as_string(unixfrom=False, maxheaderlen=0, policy=None) Return the entire message flattened as a string. When optional unixfrom is true, the envelope header is included in the returned string. unixfrom defaults to False. For backward compabitility reasons, maxheaderlen defaults to 0, so if you want a different value you must override it explicitly (the value specified for max_line_length in the policy will be ignored by this method). The policy argument may be used to override the default pol


as_bytes(unixfrom=False, policy=None) Return the entire message flattened as a bytes object. When optional unixfrom is true, the envelope header is included in the returned string. unixfrom defaults to False. The policy argument may be used to override the default policy obtained from the message instance. This can be used to control some of the formatting produced by the method, since the specified policy will be passed to the BytesGenerator. Flattening the message may trigger changes to th


add_header(_name, _value, **_params) Extended header setting. This method is similar to __setitem__() except that additional header parameters can be provided as keyword arguments. _name is the header field to add and _value is the primary value for the header. For each item in the keyword argument dictionary _params, the key is taken as the parameter name, with underscores converted to dashes (since dashes are illegal in Python identifiers). Normally, the parameter will be added as key="val


class email.message.Message(policy=compat32) If policy is specified (it must be an instance of a policy class) use the rules it specifies to update and serialize the representation of the message. If policy is not set, use the compat32 policy, which maintains backward compatibility with the Python 3.2 version of the email package. For more information see the policy documentation. Changed in version 3.3: The policy keyword argument was added. as_string(unixfrom=False, maxheaderlen=0, poli


set_content(*args, content_manager=None, **kw) Call the set_content method of the content_manager, passing self as the message object, and passing along any other arguments or keywords as additional arguments. If content_manager is not specified, use the content_manager specified by the current policy.


make_related(boundary=None) Convert a non-multipart message into a multipart/related message, moving any existing Content- headers and payload into a (new) first part of the multipart. If boundary is specified, use it as the boundary string in the multipart, otherwise leave the boundary to be automatically created when it is needed (for example, when the message is serialized).


make_mixed(boundary=None) Convert a non-multipart, a multipart/related, or a multipart-alternative into a multipart/mixed, moving any existing Content- headers and payload into a (new) first part of the multipart. If boundary is specified, use it as the boundary string in the multipart, otherwise leave the boundary to be automatically created when it is needed (for example, when the message is serialized).


make_alternative(boundary=None) Convert a non-multipart or a multipart/related into a multipart/alternative, moving any existing Content- headers and payload into a (new) first part of the multipart. If boundary is specified, use it as the boundary string in the multipart, otherwise leave the boundary to be automatically created when it is needed (for example, when the message is serialized).