
dis.hascompare Sequence of bytecodes of Boolean operations.


dis.get_instructions(x, *, first_line=None) Return an iterator over the instructions in the supplied function, method, source code string or code object. The iterator generates a series of Instruction named tuples giving the details of each operation in the supplied code. If first_line is not None, it indicates the line number that should be reported for the first source line in the disassembled code. Otherwise, the source line information (if any) is taken directly from the disassembled cod


dis.findlinestarts(code) This generator function uses the co_firstlineno and co_lnotab attributes of the code object code to find the offsets which are starts of lines in the source code. They are generated as (offset, lineno) pairs.


dis.findlabels(code) Detect all offsets in the code object code which are jump targets, and return a list of these offsets.


dis.distb(tb=None, *, file=None) Disassemble the top-of-stack function of a traceback, using the last traceback if none was passed. The instruction causing the exception is indicated. The disassembly is written as text to the supplied file argument if provided and to sys.stdout otherwise. Changed in version 3.4: Added file parameter.


dis.disco(code, lasti=-1, *, file=None) Disassemble a code object, indicating the last instruction if lasti was provided. The output is divided in the following columns: the line number, for the first instruction of each line the current instruction, indicated as -->, a labelled instruction, indicated with >>, the address of the instruction, the operation code name, operation parameters, and interpretation of the parameters in parentheses. The parameter interpretation recognizes l


dis.disassemble(code, lasti=-1, *, file=None) dis.disco(code, lasti=-1, *, file=None) Disassemble a code object, indicating the last instruction if lasti was provided. The output is divided in the following columns: the line number, for the first instruction of each line the current instruction, indicated as -->, a labelled instruction, indicated with >>, the address of the instruction, the operation code name, operation parameters, and interpretation of the parameters in parentheses


dis.dis(x=None, *, file=None) Disassemble the x object. x can denote either a module, a class, a method, a function, a generator, a code object, a string of source code or a byte sequence of raw bytecode. For a module, it disassembles all functions. For a class, it disassembles all methods (including class and static methods). For a code object or sequence of raw bytecode, it prints one line per bytecode instruction. Strings are first compiled to code objects with the compile() built-in func


dis.code_info(x) Return a formatted multi-line string with detailed code object information for the supplied function, generator, method, source code string or code object. Note that the exact contents of code info strings are highly implementation dependent and they may change arbitrarily across Python VMs or Python releases. New in version 3.2.


dis.cmp_op Sequence of all compare operation names.