
scaleb(other, context=None) Return the first operand with exponent adjusted by the second. Equivalently, return the first operand multiplied by 10**other. The second operand must be an integer.


same_quantum(other, context=None) Test whether self and other have the same exponent or whether both are NaN. This operation is unaffected by context and is quiet: no flags are changed and no rounding is performed. As an exception, the C version may raise InvalidOperation if the second operand cannot be converted exactly.


rotate(other, context=None) Return the result of rotating the digits of the first operand by an amount specified by the second operand. The second operand must be an integer in the range -precision through precision. The absolute value of the second operand gives the number of places to rotate. If the second operand is positive then rotation is to the left; otherwise rotation is to the right. The coefficient of the first operand is padded on the left with zeros to length precision if necessa


remainder_near(other, context=None) Return the remainder from dividing self by other. This differs from self % other in that the sign of the remainder is chosen so as to minimize its absolute value. More precisely, the return value is self - n * other where n is the integer nearest to the exact value of self / other, and if two integers are equally near then the even one is chosen. If the result is zero then its sign will be the sign of self. >>> Decimal(18).remainder_near(Decimal(1


radix() Return Decimal(10), the radix (base) in which the Decimal class does all its arithmetic. Included for compatibility with the specification.


quantize(exp, rounding=None, context=None) Return a value equal to the first operand after rounding and having the exponent of the second operand. >>> Decimal('1.41421356').quantize(Decimal('1.000')) Decimal('1.414') Unlike other operations, if the length of the coefficient after the quantize operation would be greater than precision, then an InvalidOperation is signaled. This guarantees that, unless there is an error condition, the quantized exponent is always equal to that of the


number_class(context=None) Return a string describing the class of the operand. The returned value is one of the following ten strings. "-Infinity", indicating that the operand is negative infinity. "-Normal", indicating that the operand is a negative normal number. "-Subnormal", indicating that the operand is negative and subnormal. "-Zero", indicating that the operand is a negative zero. "+Zero", indicating that the operand is a positive zero. "+Subnormal", indicating that the operan


normalize(context=None) Normalize the number by stripping the rightmost trailing zeros and converting any result equal to Decimal('0') to Decimal('0e0'). Used for producing canonical values for attributes of an equivalence class. For example, Decimal('32.100') and Decimal('0.321000e+2') both normalize to the equivalent value Decimal('32.1').


next_toward(other, context=None) If the two operands are unequal, return the number closest to the first operand in the direction of the second operand. If both operands are numerically equal, return a copy of the first operand with the sign set to be the same as the sign of the second operand.


next_plus(context=None) Return the smallest number representable in the given context (or in the current thread’s context if no context is given) that is larger than the given operand.