
_type_ Specifies the type of each element in the array.


_length_ A positive integer specifying the number of elements in the array. Out-of-range subscripts result in an IndexError. Will be returned by len().


class ctypes.Array(*args) Abstract base class for arrays. The recommended way to create concrete array types is by multiplying any ctypes data type with a positive integer. Alternatively, you can subclass this type and define _length_ and _type_ class variables. Array elements can be read and written using standard subscript and slice accesses; for slice reads, the resulting object is not itself an Array. _length_ A positive integer specifying the number of elements in the array. Out-of-r


exception ctypes.ArgumentError This exception is raised when a foreign function call cannot convert one of the passed arguments.


ctypes.alignment(obj_or_type) Returns the alignment requirements of a ctypes type. obj_or_type must be a ctypes type or instance.


ctypes.addressof(obj) Returns the address of the memory buffer as integer. obj must be an instance of a ctypes type.


csv.writer(csvfile, dialect='excel', **fmtparams) Return a writer object responsible for converting the user’s data into delimited strings on the given file-like object. csvfile can be any object with a write() method. If csvfile is a file object, it should be opened with newline='' [1]. An optional dialect parameter can be given which is used to define a set of parameters specific to a particular CSV dialect. It may be an instance of a subclass of the Dialect class or one of the strings ret


csv.unregister_dialect(name) Delete the dialect associated with name from the dialect registry. An Error is raised if name is not a registered dialect name.


class csv.unix_dialect The unix_dialect class defines the usual properties of a CSV file generated on UNIX systems, i.e. using '\n' as line terminator and quoting all fields. It is registered with the dialect name 'unix'. New in version 3.2.


sniff(sample, delimiters=None) Analyze the given sample and return a Dialect subclass reflecting the parameters found. If the optional delimiters parameter is given, it is interpreted as a string containing possible valid delimiter characters.