
binascii.b2a_hqx(data) Perform hexbin4 binary-to-ASCII translation and return the resulting string. The argument should already be RLE-coded, and have a length divisible by 3 (except possibly the last fragment).


binascii.b2a_hex(data) binascii.hexlify(data) Return the hexadecimal representation of the binary data. Every byte of data is converted into the corresponding 2-digit hex representation. The returned bytes object is therefore twice as long as the length of data.


binascii.b2a_base64(data) Convert binary data to a line of ASCII characters in base64 coding. The return value is the converted line, including a newline char. The newline is added because the original use case for this function was to feed it a series of 57 byte input lines to get output lines that conform to the MIME-base64 standard. Otherwise the output conforms to RFC 3548.


binascii.a2b_uu(string) Convert a single line of uuencoded data back to binary and return the binary data. Lines normally contain 45 (binary) bytes, except for the last line. Line data may be followed by whitespace.


binascii.a2b_qp(data, header=False) Convert a block of quoted-printable data back to binary and return the binary data. More than one line may be passed at a time. If the optional argument header is present and true, underscores will be decoded as spaces.


binascii.a2b_hqx(string) Convert binhex4 formatted ASCII data to binary, without doing RLE-decompression. The string should contain a complete number of binary bytes, or (in case of the last portion of the binhex4 data) have the remaining bits zero.


binascii.a2b_hex(hexstr) binascii.unhexlify(hexstr) Return the binary data represented by the hexadecimal string hexstr. This function is the inverse of b2a_hex(). hexstr must contain an even number of hexadecimal digits (which can be upper or lower case), otherwise an Error exception is raised.


binascii.a2b_base64(string) Convert a block of base64 data back to binary and return the binary data. More than one line may be passed at a time.


bin(x) Convert an integer number to a binary string. The result is a valid Python expression. If x is not a Python int object, it has to define an __index__() method that returns an integer.


bdb.set_trace() Start debugging with a Bdb instance from caller’s frame.