
audioop.cross(fragment, width) Return the number of zero crossings in the fragment passed as an argument.


audioop.byteswap(fragment, width) “Byteswap” all samples in a fragment and returns the modified fragment. Converts big-endian samples to little-endian and vice versa. New in version 3.4.


audioop.bias(fragment, width, bias) Return a fragment that is the original fragment with a bias added to each sample. Samples wrap around in case of overflow.


audioop.avgpp(fragment, width) Return the average peak-peak value over all samples in the fragment. No filtering is done, so the usefulness of this routine is questionable.


audioop.avg(fragment, width) Return the average over all samples in the fragment.


audioop.alaw2lin(fragment, width) Convert sound fragments in a-LAW encoding to linearly encoded sound fragments. a-LAW encoding always uses 8 bits samples, so width refers only to the sample width of the output fragment here.


audioop.adpcm2lin(adpcmfragment, width, state) Decode an Intel/DVI ADPCM coded fragment to a linear fragment. See the description of lin2adpcm() for details on ADPCM coding. Return a tuple (sample, newstate) where the sample has the width specified in width.


audioop.add(fragment1, fragment2, width) Return a fragment which is the addition of the two samples passed as parameters. width is the sample width in bytes, either 1, 2, 3 or 4. Both fragments should have the same length. Samples are truncated in case of overflow.


exception AttributeError Raised when an attribute reference (see Attribute references) or assignment fails. (When an object does not support attribute references or attribute assignments at all, TypeError is raised.)


atexit.unregister(func) Remove func from the list of functions to be run at interpreter shutdown. After calling unregister(), func is guaranteed not to be called when the interpreter shuts down, even if it was registered more than once. unregister() silently does nothing if func was not previously registered.