
class typing.Any Special type indicating an unconstrained type. Any object is an instance of Any. Any class is a subclass of Any. As a special case, Any and object are subclasses of each other.


class typing.AnyStr AnyStr is a type variable defined as AnyStr = TypeVar('AnyStr', str, bytes). It is meant to be used for functions that may accept any kind of string without allowing different kinds of strings to mix. For example: def concat(a: AnyStr, b: AnyStr) -> AnyStr: return a + b concat(u"foo", u"bar") # Ok, output has type 'unicode' concat(b"foo", b"bar") # Ok, output has type 'bytes' concat(u"foo", b"bar") # Error, cannot mix unicode and bytes


class typing.ByteString(Sequence[int]) A generic version of collections.abc.ByteString. This type represents the types bytes, bytearray, and memoryview. As a shorthand for this type, bytes can be used to annotate arguments of any of the types mentioned above.


class typing.AbstractSet(Sized, Iterable[T_co], Container[T_co]) A generic version of collections.abc.Set.


types.prepare_class(name, bases=(), kwds=None) Calculates the appropriate metaclass and creates the class namespace. The arguments are the components that make up a class definition header: the class name, the base classes (in order) and the keyword arguments (such as metaclass). The return value is a 3-tuple: metaclass, namespace, kwds metaclass is the appropriate metaclass, namespace is the prepared class namespace and kwds is an updated copy of the passed in kwds argument with any 'metacl


types.TracebackType The type of traceback objects such as found in sys.exc_info()[2].


class types.SimpleNamespace A simple object subclass that provides attribute access to its namespace, as well as a meaningful repr. Unlike object, with SimpleNamespace you can add and remove attributes. If a SimpleNamespace object is initialized with keyword arguments, those are directly added to the underlying namespace. The type is roughly equivalent to the following code: class SimpleNamespace: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def __repr__(self):


types.new_class(name, bases=(), kwds=None, exec_body=None) Creates a class object dynamically using the appropriate metaclass. The first three arguments are the components that make up a class definition header: the class name, the base classes (in order), the keyword arguments (such as metaclass). The exec_body argument is a callback that is used to populate the freshly created class namespace. It should accept the class namespace as its sole argument and update the namespace directly with


__package__ Which package a module belongs to. If the module is top-level (i.e. not a part of any specific package) then the attribute should be set to '', else it should be set to the name of the package (which can be __name__ if the module is a package itself). Defaults to None. Changed in version 3.4: Defaults to None. Previously the attribute was optional.


__loader__ The loader which loaded the module. Defaults to None. Changed in version 3.4: Defaults to None. Previously the attribute was optional.