
class msilib.CAB(name) The class CAB represents a CAB file. During MSI construction, files will be added simultaneously to the Files table, and to a CAB file. Then, when all files have been added, the CAB file can be written, then added to the MSI file. name is the name of the CAB file in the MSI file. append(full, file, logical) Add the file with the pathname full to the CAB file, under the name logical. If there is already a file named logical, a new file name is created. Return the ind


inspect.currentframe() Return the frame object for the caller’s stack frame. CPython implementation detail: This function relies on Python stack frame support in the interpreter, which isn’t guaranteed to exist in all implementations of Python. If running in an implementation without Python stack frame support this function returns None.


pty.fork() Fork. Connect the child’s controlling terminal to a pseudo-terminal. Return value is (pid, fd). Note that the child gets pid 0, and the fd is invalid. The parent’s return value is the pid of the child, and fd is a file descriptor connected to the child’s controlling terminal (and also to the child’s standard input and output).


get_content_subtype() Return the message’s sub-content type. This is the subtype part of the string returned by get_content_type().




condition(action, condition) Make an entry into the ControlCondition table for this control.


dis.hasfree Sequence of bytecodes that access a free variable (note that ‘free’ in this context refers to names in the current scope that are referenced by inner scopes or names in outer scopes that are referenced from this scope. It does not include references to global or builtin scopes).


handle_connect() Called when the active opener’s socket actually makes a connection. Might send a “welcome” banner, or initiate a protocol negotiation with the remote endpoint, for example.


codecs.getdecoder(encoding) Look up the codec for the given encoding and return its decoder function. Raises a LookupError in case the encoding cannot be found.


kevent.flags Filter action. Constant Meaning KQ_EV_ADD Adds or modifies an event KQ_EV_DELETE Removes an event from the queue KQ_EV_ENABLE Permitscontrol() to returns the event KQ_EV_DISABLE Disablesevent KQ_EV_ONESHOT Removes event after first occurrence KQ_EV_CLEAR Reset the state after an event is retrieved KQ_EV_SYSFLAGS internal event KQ_EV_FLAG1 internal event KQ_EV_EOF Filter specific EOF condition KQ_EV_ERROR See return values