
class xmlrpc.client.Fault A Fault object encapsulates the content of an XML-RPC fault tag. Fault objects have the following attributes: faultCode A string indicating the fault type. faultString A string containing a diagnostic message associated with the fault.


faultString A string containing a diagnostic message associated with the fault.


xmlrpc.client.dumps(params, methodname=None, methodresponse=None, encoding=None, allow_none=False) Convert params into an XML-RPC request. or into a response if methodresponse is true. params can be either a tuple of arguments or an instance of the Fault exception class. If methodresponse is true, only a single value can be returned, meaning that params must be of length 1. encoding, if supplied, is the encoding to use in the generated XML; the default is UTF-8. Python’s None value cannot be


faultCode A string indicating the fault type.


encode(out) Write the XML-RPC encoding of this DateTime item to the out stream object.


class xmlrpc.client.DateTime This class may be initialized with seconds since the epoch, a time tuple, an ISO 8601 time/date string, or a datetime.datetime instance. It has the following methods, supported mainly for internal use by the marshalling/unmarshalling code: decode(string) Accept a string as the instance’s new time value. encode(out) Write the XML-RPC encoding of this DateTime item to the out stream object. It also supports certain of Python’s built-in operators through


data The binary data encapsulated by the Binary instance. The data is provided as a bytes object.


encode(out) Write the XML-RPC base 64 encoding of this binary item to the out stream object. The encoded data will have newlines every 76 characters as per RFC 2045 section 6.8, which was the de facto standard base64 specification when the XML-RPC spec was written.


class xmlrpc.client.Binary This class may be initialized from bytes data (which may include NULs). The primary access to the content of a Binary object is provided by an attribute: data The binary data encapsulated by the Binary instance. The data is provided as a bytes object. Binary objects have the following methods, supported mainly for internal use by the marshalling/unmarshalling code: decode(bytes) Accept a base64 bytes object and decode it as the instance’s new data. enc


XML-RPC is a Remote Procedure Call method that uses XML passed via HTTP as a transport. With it, a client can call methods with parameters on a remote server (the server is named by a URI) and get back structured data. xmlrpc is a package that collects server and client modules implementing XML-RPC. The modules are: xmlrpc.client xmlrpc.server