
TarInfo.uname User name.


class telnetlib.Telnet(host=None, port=0[, timeout]) Telnet represents a connection to a Telnet server. The instance is initially not connected by default; the open() method must be used to establish a connection. Alternatively, the host name and optional port number can be passed to the constructor too, in which case the connection to the server will be established before the constructor returns. The optional timeout parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for blocking operations like the


TarInfo.type File type. type is usually one of these constants: REGTYPE, AREGTYPE, LNKTYPE, SYMTYPE, DIRTYPE, FIFOTYPE, CONTTYPE, CHRTYPE, BLKTYPE, GNUTYPE_SPARSE. To determine the type of a TarInfo object more conveniently, use the is*() methods below.


TarInfo.pax_headers A dictionary containing key-value pairs of an associated pax extended header.


TarInfo.tobuf(format=DEFAULT_FORMAT, encoding=ENCODING, errors='surrogateescape') Create a string buffer from a TarInfo object. For information on the arguments see the constructor of the TarFile class. Changed in version 3.2: Use 'surrogateescape' as the default for the errors argument.


TarInfo.name Name of the archive member.


TarInfo.size Size in bytes.


TarInfo.linkname Name of the target file name, which is only present in TarInfo objects of type LNKTYPE and SYMTYPE.


TarInfo.islnk() Return True if it is a hard link.


TarInfo.isreg() Same as isfile().