
window.idlok(yes) If called with yes equal to 1, curses will try and use hardware line editing facilities. Otherwise, line insertion/deletion are disabled.


window.idcok(flag) If flag is False, curses no longer considers using the hardware insert/delete character feature of the terminal; if flag is True, use of character insertion and deletion is enabled. When curses is first initialized, use of character insert/delete is enabled by default.


window.get_wch([y, x]) Get a wide character. Return a character for most keys, or an integer for function keys, keypad keys, and other special keys. New in version 3.3.


window.getparyx() Return the beginning coordinates of this window relative to its parent window into two integer variables y and x. Return -1, -1 if this window has no parent.


window.getmaxyx() Return a tuple (y, x) of the height and width of the window.


window.getyx() Return a tuple (y, x) of current cursor position relative to the window’s upper-left corner.


window.getstr([y, x]) Read a string from the user, with primitive line editing capacity.


window.getbkgd() Return the given window’s current background character/attribute pair.


window.getbegyx() Return a tuple (y, x) of co-ordinates of upper-left corner.


window.getch([y, x]) Get a character. Note that the integer returned does not have to be in ASCII range: function keys, keypad keys and so on return numbers higher than 256. In no-delay mode, -1 is returned if there is no input, else getch() waits until a key is pressed.