
class urllib.request.UnknownHandler A catch-all class to handle unknown URLs.


Request.type The URI scheme.


Request.unverifiable boolean, indicates whether the request is unverifiable as defined by RFC 2965.


Request.host The URI authority, typically a host, but may also contain a port separated by a colon.


Request.origin_req_host The original host for the request, without port.


Request.method The HTTP request method to use. By default its value is None, which means that get_method() will do its normal computation of the method to be used. Its value can be set (thus overriding the default computation in get_method()) either by providing a default value by setting it at the class level in a Request subclass, or by passing a value in to the Request constructor via the method argument. New in version 3.3. Changed in version 3.4: A default value can now be set in sub


Request.set_proxy(host, type) Prepare the request by connecting to a proxy server. The host and type will replace those of the instance, and the instance’s selector will be the original URL given in the constructor.


Request.remove_header(header) Remove named header from the request instance (both from regular and unredirected headers). New in version 3.4.


Request.selector The URI path. If the Request uses a proxy, then selector will be the full URL that is passed to the proxy.


Request.has_header(header) Return whether the instance has the named header (checks both regular and unredirected).