
HTTPPasswordMgr.find_user_password(realm, authuri) Get user/password for given realm and URI, if any. This method will return (None, None) if there is no matching user/password. For HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm objects, the realm None will be searched if the given realm has no matching user/password.


HTTPPasswordMgr.add_password(realm, uri, user, passwd) uri can be either a single URI, or a sequence of URIs. realm, user and passwd must be strings. This causes (user, passwd) to be used as authentication tokens when authentication for realm and a super-URI of any of the given URIs is given.


HTTPPasswordMgrWithPriorAuth.add_password(realm, uri, user, passwd, is_authenticated=False) realm, uri, user, passwd are as for HTTPPasswordMgr.add_password(). is_authenticated sets the initial value of the is_authenticated flag for the given URI or list of URIs. If is_authenticated is specified as True, realm is ignored.


HTTPPasswordMgrWithPriorAuth.is_authenticated(self, authuri) Returns the current state of the is_authenticated flag for the given URI.


class urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm Keep a database of (realm, uri) -> (user, password) mappings. A realm of None is considered a catch-all realm, which is searched if no other realm fits.


class urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgr Keep a database of (realm, uri) -> (user, password) mappings.


HTTPHandler.http_open(req) Send an HTTP request, which can be either GET or POST, depending on req.has_data().


HTTPErrorProcessor.http_response() Process HTTP error responses. For 200 error codes, the response object is returned immediately. For non-200 error codes, this simply passes the job on to the protocol_error_code() handler methods, via OpenerDirector.error(). Eventually, HTTPDefaultErrorHandler will raise an HTTPError if no other handler handles the error.


HTTPErrorProcessor.https_response() Process HTTPS error responses. The behavior is same as http_response().


class urllib.request.HTTPHandler A class to handle opening of HTTP URLs.