
current(newindex=None) If newindex is specified, sets the combobox value to the element position newindex. Otherwise, returns the index of the current value or -1 if the current value is not in the values list.


class tkinter.ttk.Combobox current(newindex=None) If newindex is specified, sets the combobox value to the element position newindex. Otherwise, returns the index of the current value or -1 if the current value is not in the values list. get() Returns the current value of the combobox. set(value) Sets the value of the combobox to value.


class tkinter.Tk(screenName=None, baseName=None, className='Tk', useTk=1) The Tk class is instantiated without arguments. This creates a toplevel widget of Tk which usually is the main window of an application. Each instance has its own associated Tcl interpreter.


class tkinter.tix.Tree The Tree widget can be used to display hierarchical data in a tree form. The user can adjust the view of the tree by opening or closing parts of the tree.


class tkinter.tix.TList The TList widget can be used to display data in a tabular format. The list entries of a TList widget are similar to the entries in the Tk listbox widget. The main differences are (1) the TList widget can display the list entries in a two dimensional format and (2) you can use graphical images as well as multiple colors and fonts for the list entries.


class tkinter.tix.Tk(screenName=None, baseName=None, className='Tix') Toplevel widget of Tix which represents mostly the main window of an application. It has an associated Tcl interpreter. Classes in the tkinter.tix module subclasses the classes in the tkinter. The former imports the latter, so to use tkinter.tix with Tkinter, all you need to do is to import one module. In general, you can just import tkinter.tix, and replace the toplevel call to tkinter.Tk with tix.Tk: from tkinter import


tixCommand.tix_resetoptions(newScheme, newFontSet[, newScmPrio]) Resets the scheme and fontset of the Tix application to newScheme and newFontSet, respectively. This affects only those widgets created after this call. Therefore, it is best to call the resetoptions method before the creation of any widgets in a Tix application. The optional parameter newScmPrio can be given to reset the priority level of the Tk options set by the Tix schemes. Because of the way Tk handles the X option databas


tixCommand.tix_option_get(name) Gets the options maintained by the Tix scheme mechanism.


tixCommand.tix_getimage(self, name) Locates an image file of the name name.xpm, name.xbm or name.ppm in one of the bitmap directories (see the tix_addbitmapdir() method above). If more than one file with the same name (but different extensions) exist, then the image type is chosen according to the depth of the X display: xbm images are chosen on monochrome displays and color images are chosen on color displays. By using tix_getimage(), you can avoid hard coding the pathnames of the image fil


tixCommand.tix_getbitmap(name) Locates a bitmap file of the name name.xpm or name in one of the bitmap directories (see the tix_addbitmapdir() method). By using tix_getbitmap(), you can avoid hard coding the pathnames of the bitmap files in your application. When successful, it returns the complete pathname of the bitmap file, prefixed with the character @. The returned value can be used to configure the bitmap option of the Tk and Tix widgets.