
runpy.run_module(mod_name, init_globals=None, run_name=None, alter_sys=False) Execute the code of the specified module and return the resulting module globals dictionary. The module’s code is first located using the standard import mechanism (refer to PEP 302 for details) and then executed in a fresh module namespace. The mod_name argument should be an absolute module name. If the module name refers to a package rather than a normal module, then that package is imported and the __main__ subm


round(number[, ndigits]) Return the floating point value number rounded to ndigits digits after the decimal point. If ndigits is omitted, it returns the nearest integer to its input. Delegates to number.__round__(ndigits). For the built-in types supporting round(), values are rounded to the closest multiple of 10 to the power minus ndigits; if two multiples are equally close, rounding is done toward the even choice (so, for example, both round(0.5) and round(-0.5) are 0, and round(1.5) is 2)


Completer.complete(text, state) Return the stateth completion for text. If called for text that doesn’t include a period character ('.'), it will complete from names currently defined in __main__, builtins and keywords (as defined by the keyword module). If called for a dotted name, it will try to evaluate anything without obvious side-effects (functions will not be evaluated, but it can generate calls to __getattr__()) up to the last part, and find matches for the rest via the dir() functio


reversed(seq) Return a reverse iterator. seq must be an object which has a __reversed__() method or supports the sequence protocol (the __len__() method and the __getitem__() method with integer arguments starting at 0).


exception ResourceWarning Base class for warnings related to resource usage. New in version 3.2.


resource.setrlimit(resource, limits) Sets new limits of consumption of resource. The limits argument must be a tuple (soft, hard) of two integers describing the new limits. A value of RLIM_INFINITY can be used to request a limit that is unlimited. Raises ValueError if an invalid resource is specified, if the new soft limit exceeds the hard limit, or if a process tries to raise its hard limit. Specifying a limit of RLIM_INFINITY when the hard or system limit for that resource is not unlimited


resource.prlimit(pid, resource[, limits]) Combines setrlimit() and getrlimit() in one function and supports to get and set the resources limits of an arbitrary process. If pid is 0, then the call applies to the current process. resource and limits have the same meaning as in setrlimit(), except that limits is optional. When limits is not given the function returns the resource limit of the process pid. When limits is given the resource limit of the process is set and the former resource limi


resource.getrusage(who) This function returns an object that describes the resources consumed by either the current process or its children, as specified by the who parameter. The who parameter should be specified using one of the RUSAGE_* constants described below. The fields of the return value each describe how a particular system resource has been used, e.g. amount of time spent running is user mode or number of times the process was swapped out of main memory. Some values are dependent


resource.getrlimit(resource) Returns a tuple (soft, hard) with the current soft and hard limits of resource. Raises ValueError if an invalid resource is specified, or error if the underlying system call fails unexpectedly.


resource.getpagesize() Returns the number of bytes in a system page. (This need not be the same as the hardware page size.)