
BaseProtocol.resume_writing() Called when the transport’s buffer drains below the low-water mark.


BaseProtocol.pause_writing() Called when the transport’s buffer goes over the high-water mark.


BaseProtocol.connection_made(transport) Called when a connection is made. The transport argument is the transport representing the connection. You are responsible for storing it somewhere (e.g. as an attribute) if you need to.


BaseProtocol.connection_lost(exc) Called when the connection is lost or closed. The argument is either an exception object or None. The latter means a regular EOF is received, or the connection was aborted or closed by this side of the connection.


class asyncio.BaseEventLoop This class is an implementation detail. It is a subclass of AbstractEventLoop and may be a base class of concrete event loop implementations found in asyncio. It should not be used directly; use AbstractEventLoop instead. BaseEventLoop should not be subclassed by third-party code; the internal interface is not stable.


asyncio.as_completed(fs, *, loop=None, timeout=None) Return an iterator whose values, when waited for, are Future instances. Raises asyncio.TimeoutError if the timeout occurs before all Futures are done. Example: for f in as_completed(fs): result = yield from f # The 'yield from' may raise # Use result Note The futures f are not necessarily members of fs.


coroutine wait() Wait for child process to terminate. Set and return returncode attribute. This method is a coroutine. Note This will deadlock when using stdout=PIPE or stderr=PIPE and the child process generates enough output to a pipe such that it blocks waiting for the OS pipe buffer to accept more data. Use the communicate() method when using pipes to avoid that.


terminate() Stop the child. On Posix OSs the method sends signal.SIGTERM to the child. On Windows the Win32 API function TerminateProcess() is called to stop the child.


stdout Standard output stream (StreamReader), None if the process was created with stdout=None.


stdin Standard input stream (StreamWriter), None if the process was created with stdin=None.