
This documentation describes this plugin at version master. Other versions are on GitHub. Android iOS Windows 8.1 Store Windows 8.1 Phone Windows 10 Store Travis CI cordova-plugin-console This plugin is meant to ensure that console.log() is as useful as it can be. It adds additional function for iOS, Ubuntu, Windows Phone 8, and Windows. If you are happy with how console.log() works for you, then you probably don't need this plugin. This plugin defines a global console object. A


This documentation describes this plugin at version master. Other versions are on GitHub. Android iOS Windows 8.1 Store Windows 8.1 Phone Windows 10 Store Travis CI cordova-plugin-camera This plugin defines a global object, which provides an API for taking pictures and for choosing images from the system's image library. Although the object is attached to the global scoped navigator, it is not available until after the deviceready event. document.addEventListene


This documentation describes this plugin at version master. Other versions are on GitHub. Android iOS Windows 8.1 Store Windows 8.1 Phone Windows 10 Store Travis CI cordova-plugin-battery-status This plugin provides an implementation of an old version of the Battery Status Events API. It adds the following three events to the window object: batterystatus batterycritical batterylow Applications may use window.addEventListener to attach an event listener for any of the above eve

cordova telemetry

cordova telemetry command Synopsis Turns telemetry collection on or off. Syntax cordova telemetry [STATE] Option Description on Turn telemetry collection on. off Turn telemetry collection off. Details A timed prompt asking the user to opt-in or out is displayed the first time cordova is run. It lasts for 30 seconds, after which the user is automatically opted-out if he doesn't provide any answer. In CI environments, the CI environment variable can be set, which will prevent the prompt from s

cordova serve

cordova serve command Synopsis Run a local web server for www/ assets using specified port or default of 8000. Access projects at: http://HOST_IP:PORT/PLATFORM/www Syntax cordova serve [port]

cordova run

cordova run command Synopsis Prepares, builds, and deploys app on specified platform devices/emulators. If a device is connected it will be used, unless an eligible emulator is already running. Syntax cordova run [<platform> [...]] [--list | --debug | --release] [--noprepare] [--nobuild] [--device|--emulator|--target=<targetName>] [--buildConfig=<configfile>] [--browserify] [-- <platformOpts>] Option Description <platform> [..] Platform nam

cordova requirements

cordova requirements command Synopsis Checks and print out all the requirements for platforms specified (or all platforms added to project if none specified). If all requirements for each platform are met, exits with code 0 otherwise exits with non-zero code. This can be useful when setting up a machine for building a particular platform. Syntax cordova requirements android

cordova prepare

cordova prepare command Synopsis Transforms config.xml metadata to platform-specific manifest files, copies icons & splashscreens, copies plugin files for specified platforms so that the project is ready to build with each native SDK. Syntax cordova prepare [<platform> [..]] [--browserify | --fetch] Options Option Description <platform> [..] Platform name(s) to prepare. If not specified, all platforms are built. --browserify Compile plugin JS at build time using browserify

cordova plugin

cordova plugin command Synopsis Manage project plugins Syntax cordova {plugin | plugins} [ add <plugin-spec> [..] {--searchpath=<directory> | --noregistry | --link | --save | --browserify | --force | --fetch} | {remove | rm} {<pluginid> | <name>} --save --fetch | {list | ls} | search [<keyword>] | save | ] Sub-command Option Description add <plugin-spec> [...] Add specified plugins --searchpath <directory> When looking up plugins

cordova platform

cordova platform command Synopsis Manage cordova platforms - allowing you to add, remove, update, list and check for updates. Running commands to add or remove platforms affects the contents of the project's platforms directory. Syntax cordova {platform | platforms} [ add <platform-spec> [...] {--save | link=<path> | --fetch } | {remove | rm} platform [...] {--save | --fetch}| {list | ls} | check | save | update ] Sub-command Option Description add <pla