
React.Component class Component This is the base class for React Components when they're defined using ES6 classes. See Reusable Components for how to use ES6 classes with React. For what methods are actually provided by the base class, see the Component API.


React.cloneElement ReactElement cloneElement( ReactElement element, [object props], [children ...] ) Clone and return a new ReactElement using element as the starting point. The resulting element will have the original element's props with the new props merged in shallowly. New children will replace existing children. Unlike React.addons.cloneWithProps, key and ref from the original element will be preserved. There is no special behavior for merging any props (unlike cloneWithProps). Se


React React is the entry point to the React library. If you're using one of the prebuilt packages it's available as a global; if you're using CommonJS modules you can require() it. React.Component class Component This is the base class for React Components when they're defined using ES6 classes. See Reusable Components for how to use ES6 classes with React. For what methods are actually provided by the base class, see the Component API. React.createClass ReactClass createClass(object spe


React React is the entry point to the React library. If you're using one of the prebuilt packages it's available as a global; if you're using CommonJS modules you can require() it. React.Component class Component This is the base class for React Components when they're defined using ES6 classes. See Reusable Components for how to use ES6 classes with React. For what methods are actually provided by the base class, see the Component API. React.createClass ReactClass createClass(object spe

React React is the entry point to the React library. If you're using one of the prebuilt packages it's available as a global; if you're using CommonJS modules you can require() it. React.Component class Component This is the base class for React Components when they're defined using ES6 classes. See Reusable Components for how to use ES6 classes with React. For what methods are actually provided by the base class, see the Component API. React.createClass ReactClass createClass(object spe


React React is the entry point to the React library. If you're using one of the prebuilt packages it's available as a global; if you're using CommonJS modules you can require() it. React.Component class Component This is the base class for React Components when they're defined using ES6 classes. See Reusable Components for how to use ES6 classes with React. For what methods are actually provided by the base class, see the Component API. React.createClass ReactClass createClass(object spe


React React is the entry point to the React library. If you're using one of the prebuilt packages it's available as a global; if you're using CommonJS modules you can require() it. React.Component class Component This is the base class for React Components when they're defined using ES6 classes. See Reusable Components for how to use ES6 classes with React. For what methods are actually provided by the base class, see the Component API. React.createClass ReactClass createClass(object spe


React.Children React.Children provides utilities for dealing with the this.props.children opaque data structure. array children, function fn [, object thisArg]) Invoke fn on every immediate child contained within children with this set to thisArg. If children is a keyed fragment or array it will be traversed: fn will never be passed the container objects. If children is null or undefined returns null or undefined rather than an array. React.Chil

React (Virtual) DOM Terminology

In React's terminology, there are five core types that are important to distinguish: ReactElement / ReactElement Factory ReactNode ReactComponent / ReactComponent Class React Elements The primary type in React is the ReactElement. It has four properties: type, props, key and ref. It has no methods and nothing on the prototype. You can create one of these objects through React.createElement. var root = React.createElement('div'); To render a new tree into the DOM, you create ReactElements a


If your React component's render function is "pure" (in other words, it renders the same result given the same props and state), you can use this mixin for a performance boost in some cases. Example: var PureRenderMixin = require('react-addons-pure-render-mixin'); React.createClass({ mixins: [PureRenderMixin], render: function() { return <div className={this.props.className}>foo</div>; } }); Example using ES6 class syntax: import PureRenderMixin from 'react-addons-pure-r