
extendBackbone.Collection.extend(properties, [classProperties]) To create a Collection class of your own, extend Backbone.Collection, providing instance properties, as well as optional classProperties to be attached directly to the collection's constructor function.


every (all)






createcollection.create(attributes, [options]) Convenience to create a new instance of a model within a collection. Equivalent to instantiating a model with a hash of attributes, saving the model to the server, and adding the model to the set after being successfully created. Returns the new model. If client-side validation failed, the model will be unsaved, with validation errors. In order for this to work, you should set the model property of the collection. The create method can accept eit


comparatorcollection.comparator By default there is no comparator for a collection. If you define a comparator, it will be used to maintain the collection in sorted order. This means that as models are added, they are inserted at the correct index in collection.models. A comparator can be defined as a sortBy (pass a function that takes a single argument), as a sort (pass a comparator function that expects two arguments), or as a string indicating the attribute to sort by. "sortBy" comparato


clonecollection.clone() Returns a new instance of the collection with an identical list of models.


contains (includes)




addcollection.add(models, [options]) Add a model (or an array of models) to the collection, firing an "add" event for each model, and an "update" event afterwards. If a model property is defined, you may also pass raw attributes objects, and have them be vivified as instances of the model. Returns the added (or preexisting, if duplicate) models. Pass {at: index} to splice the model into the collection at the specified index. If you're adding models to the collection that are already in the co