Run a simple application

Run a simple application In the “Hello world in a container“ you launched your first containers using the docker run command. You ran an interactive container that ran in the foreground. You also ran a detached container that ran in the background. In the process you learned about several Docker commands: docker ps - Lists containers. docker logs - Shows us the standard output of a container. docker stop - Stops running containers. Learn about the Docker client If you didn’t realize it yet

Run a local registry mirror

Run a local registry mirror The original content was deprecated. An archived version is available in the 1.7 documentation. For information about configuring mirrors with the latest Docker Registry version, please file a support request with the Distribution project.


Swarm Rescheduling You can set recheduling policies with Docker Swarm. A rescheduling policy determines what the Swarm scheduler does for containers when the nodes they are running on fail. Rescheduling policies You set the reschedule policy when you start a container. You can do this with the reschedule environment variable or the com.docker.swarm.reschedule-policies label. If you don’t specify a policy, the default rescheduling policy is off which means that Swarm does not restart a container

Remote API v1.23

Docker Remote API v1.23 1. Brief introduction The Remote API has replaced rcli. The daemon listens on unix:///var/run/docker.sock but you can Bind Docker to another host/port or a Unix socket. The API tends to be REST. However, for some complex commands, like attach or pull, the HTTP connection is hijacked to transport stdout, stdin and stderr. When the client API version is newer than the daemon’s, these calls return an HTTP 400 Bad Request error message. 2. Endpoints 2.1 Containers List con

Remote API v1.22

Docker Remote API v1.22 1. Brief introduction The Remote API has replaced rcli. The daemon listens on unix:///var/run/docker.sock but you can Bind Docker to another host/port or a Unix socket. The API tends to be REST. However, for some complex commands, like attach or pull, the HTTP connection is hijacked to transport stdout, stdin and stderr. When the client API version is newer than the daemon’s, these calls return an HTTP 400 Bad Request error message. 2. Endpoints 2.1 Containers List con

Remote API v1.21

Docker Remote API v1.21 1. Brief introduction The Remote API has replaced rcli. The daemon listens on unix:///var/run/docker.sock but you can Bind Docker to another host/port or a Unix socket. The API tends to be REST. However, for some complex commands, like attach or pull, the HTTP connection is hijacked to transport stdout, stdin and stderr. When the client API version is newer than the daemon’s, these calls return an HTTP 400 Bad Request error message. 2. Endpoints 2.1 Containers List con

Remote API v1.20

Docker Remote API v1.20 1. Brief introduction The Remote API has replaced rcli. The daemon listens on unix:///var/run/docker.sock but you can Bind Docker to another host/port or a Unix socket. The API tends to be REST. However, for some complex commands, like attach or pull, the HTTP connection is hijacked to transport stdout, stdin and stderr. When the client API version is newer than the daemon’s, these calls return an HTTP 400 Bad Request error message. 2. Endpoints 2.1 Containers List con

Remote API v1.19

Docker Remote API v1.19 1. Brief introduction The Remote API has replaced rcli. The daemon listens on unix:///var/run/docker.sock but you can Bind Docker to another host/port or a Unix socket. The API tends to be REST. However, for some complex commands, like attach or pull, the HTTP connection is hijacked to transport stdout, stdin and stderr. When the client API version is newer than the daemon’s, these calls return an HTTP 400 Bad Request error message. 2. Endpoints 2.1 Containers List con

Remote API v1.18

Docker Remote API v1.18 1. Brief introduction The Remote API has replaced rcli. The daemon listens on unix:///var/run/docker.sock but you can Bind Docker to another host/port or a Unix socket. The API tends to be REST, but for some complex commands, like attach or pull, the HTTP connection is hijacked to transport STDOUT, STDIN and STDERR. 2. Endpoints 2.1 Containers List containers GET /containers/json List containers Example request: GET /containers/json?all=1&before=8dfafdbc3a40&am

Remote API client libraries

Docker Remote API client libraries These libraries make it easier to build applications on top of the Docker Remote API with various programming languages. They have not been tested by the Docker maintainers for compatibility, so if you run into any issues, file them with the library maintainers. Language/Framework Name Repository C# Docker.DotNet C++ lasote/docker_client Erlang erldocker