docker-compose create

create Creates containers for a service. Usage: create [options] [SERVICE...] Options: --force-recreate Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven't changed. Incompatible with --no-recreate. --no-recreate If containers already exist, don't recreate them. Incompatible with --force-recreate. --no-build Don't build an image, even if it's missing. --build Build imag

docker-compose config

config Usage: config [options] Options: -q, --quiet Only validate the configuration, don't print anything. --services Print the service names, one per line. Validate and view the compose file.

docker-compose CLI Environment Variables

CLI Environment Variables Several environment variables are available for you to configure the Docker Compose command-line behaviour. Variables starting with DOCKER_ are the same as those used to configure the Docker command-line client. If you’re using docker-machine, then the eval "$(docker-machine env my-docker-vm)" command should set them to their correct values. (In this example, my-docker-vm is the name of a machine you created.) Note: Some of these variables can also be provided using a

docker-compose build

build Usage: build [options] [SERVICE...] Options: --force-rm Always remove intermediate containers. --no-cache Do not use cache when building the image. --pull Always attempt to pull a newer version of the image. Services are built once and then tagged as project_service, e.g., composetest_db. If you change a service’s Dockerfile or the contents of its build directory, run docker-compose build to rebuild it.

docker wait

wait Usage: docker wait [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...] Block until a container stops, then print its exit code. --help Print usage

docker volume ls

volume ls Usage: docker volume ls [OPTIONS] List volumes -f, --filter=[] Provide filter values (i.e. 'dangling=true') --help Print usage -q, --quiet Only display volume names Lists all the volumes Docker knows about. You can filter using the -f or --filter flag. The filtering format is a key=value pair. To specify more than one filter, pass multiple flags (for example, --filter "foo=bar" --filter "bif=baz") There is a single supported filter dangling=value w

docker volume rm

volume rm Usage: docker volume rm [OPTIONS] VOLUME [VOLUME...] Remove a volume --help Print usage Removes one or more volumes. You cannot remove a volume that is in use by a container. $ docker volume rm hello hello Related information volume create volume inspect volume ls Understand Data Volumes

docker volume inspect

volume inspect Usage: docker volume inspect [OPTIONS] VOLUME [VOLUME...] Return low-level information on a volume -f, --format= Format the output using the given go template. --help Print usage Returns information about a volume. By default, this command renders all results in a JSON array. You can specify an alternate format to execute a given template for each result. Go’s text/template package describes all the details of the format. Example output: $ docker volume

docker volume create

volume create Usage: docker volume create [OPTIONS] Create a volume -d, --driver=local Specify volume driver name --help Print usage --label=[] Set metadata for a volume --name= Specify volume name -o, --opt=map[] Set driver specific options Creates a new volume that containers can consume and store data in. If a name is not specified, Docker generates a random name. You create a volume and then configure the container to use it, for

docker Use the Docker command line

Use the Docker command line To list available commands, either run docker with no parameters or execute docker help: $ docker Usage: docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...] docker daemon [ --help | ... ] docker [ --help | -v | --version ] -H, --host=[]: The socket(s) to talk to the Docker daemon in the format of tcp://host:port/path, unix:///path/to/socket, fd://* or fd://socketfd. A self-sufficient runtime for Linux containers. ... Depending on your Docker system conf