
req.ip Contains the remote IP address of the request. When the trust proxy setting does not evaluate to false, the value of this property is derived from the left-most entry in the X-Forwarded-For header. This header can be set by the client or by the proxy. req.ip // => ""


req.hostname Contains the hostname derived from the Host HTTP header. When the trust proxy setting does not evaluate to false, this property will instead have the value of the X-Forwarded-Host header field. This header can be set by the client or by the proxy. // Host: "" req.hostname // => ""


req.get(field) Returns the specified HTTP request header field (case-insensitive match). The Referrer and Referer fields are interchangeable. req.get('Content-Type'); // => "text/plain" req.get('content-type'); // => "text/plain" req.get('Something'); // => undefined Aliased as req.header(field).


req.fresh Indicates whether the request is “fresh.” It is the opposite of req.stale. It is true if the cache-control request header doesn’t have a no-cache directive and any of the following are true: The if-modified-since request header is specified and last-modified request header is equal to or earlier than the modified response header. The if-none-match request header is *. The if-none-match request header, after being parsed into its directives, does not match the etag response header. r


req.cookies When using cookie-parser middleware, this property is an object that contains cookies sent by the request. If the request contains no cookies, it defaults to {}. // Cookie: name=tj // => "tj" For more information, issues, or concerns, see cookie-parser.


req.body Contains key-value pairs of data submitted in the request body. By default, it is undefined, and is populated when you use body-parsing middleware such as body-parser and multer. The following example shows how to use body-parsing middleware to populate req.body. var app = require('express')(); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var multer = require('multer'); // v1.0.5 var upload = multer(); // for parsing multipart/form-data app.use(bodyParser.json()); // for parsing applicati


req.baseUrl The URL path on which a router instance was mounted. The req.baseUrl property is similar to the mountpath property of the app object, except app.mountpath returns the matched path pattern(s). For example: var greet = express.Router(); greet.get('/jp', function (req, res) { console.log(req.baseUrl); // /greet res.send('Konichiwa!'); }); app.use('/greet', greet); // load the router on '/greet' Even if you use a path pattern or a set of path patterns to load the router, the base This property holds a reference to the instance of the Express application that is using the middleware. If you follow the pattern in which you create a module that just exports a middleware function and require() it in your main file, then the middleware can access the Express instance via For example: //index.js app.get('/viewdirectory', require('./mymiddleware.js')) //mymiddleware.js module.exports = function (req, res) { res.send('The views directory is ' +'v


req.acceptsLanguages(lang [, ...]) Returns the first accepted language of the specified languages, based on the request’s Accept-Language HTTP header field. If none of the specified languages is accepted, returns false. For more information, or if you have issues or concerns, see accepts.


req.acceptsEncodings(encoding [, ...]) Returns the first accepted encoding of the specified encodings, based on the request’s Accept-Encoding HTTP header field. If none of the specified encodings is accepted, returns false. For more information, or if you have issues or concerns, see accepts.