
get_year_format() [source] Returns the strftime() format to use when parsing the year. Returns year_format by default.


class SafeText [source] A str (in Python 3) or unicode (in Python 2) subclass that has been specifically marked as “safe” for HTML output purposes.


mark_safe(s) [source] Explicitly mark a string as safe for (HTML) output purposes. The returned object can be used everywhere a string or unicode object is appropriate. Can be called multiple times on a single string. For building up fragments of HTML, you should normally be using django.utils.html.format_html() instead. String marked safe will become unsafe again if modified. For example: >>> mystr = '<b>Hello World</b> ' >>> mystr = mark_safe(mystr) >>


HttpRequest.__iter__() Methods implementing a file-like interface for reading from an HttpRequest instance. This makes it possible to consume an incoming request in a streaming fashion. A common use-case would be to process a big XML payload with an iterative parser without constructing a whole XML tree in memory. Given this standard interface, an HttpRequest instance can be passed directly to an XML parser such as ElementTree: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET for element in ET.iterparse(r


initial A dictionary containing initial data for the form.


get(**kwargs) Returns the object matching the given lookup parameters, which should be in the format described in Field lookups. get() raises MultipleObjectsReturned if more than one object was found. The MultipleObjectsReturned exception is an attribute of the model class. get() raises a DoesNotExist exception if an object wasn’t found for the given parameters. This exception is an attribute of the model class. Example: Entry.objects.get(id='foo') # raises Entry.DoesNotExist The DoesNotExi


class RequireDebugFalse [source] This filter will only pass on records when settings.DEBUG is False. This filter is used as follows in the default LOGGING configuration to ensure that the AdminEmailHandler only sends error emails to admins when DEBUG is False: 'filters': { 'require_debug_false': { '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse', } }, 'handlers': { 'mail_admins': { 'level': 'ERROR', 'filters': ['require_debug_false'], 'class': 'django.ut


GeoIP2.lon_lat(query) Returns a coordinate tuple of (longitude, latitude).


attrs A dictionary containing HTML attributes to be set on the rendered widget. >>> from django import forms >>> name = forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': 10, 'title': 'Your name',}) >>> name.render('name', 'A name') '<input title="Your name" type="text" name="name" value="A name" size="10" required />' If you assign a value of True or False to an attribute, it will be rendered as an HTML5 boolean attribute: >>> name = forms.TextInput(attrs={'required':


BaseFormSet.can_order Default: False Lets you create a formset with the ability to order: >>> from django.forms import formset_factory >>> from myapp.forms import ArticleForm >>> ArticleFormSet = formset_factory(ArticleForm, can_order=True) >>> formset = ArticleFormSet(initial=[ ... {'title': 'Article #1', 'pub_date':, 5, 10)}, ... {'title': 'Article #2', 'pub_date':, 5, 11)}, ... ]) >>> for form in fo