BaseCommand.check(app_configs=None, tags=None, display_num_errors=False) [source] Uses the system check framework to inspect the entire Django project for potential problems. Serious problems are raised as a CommandError; warnings are output to stderr; minor notifications are output to stdout. If app_configs and tags are both None, all system checks are performed. tags can be a list of check tags, like compatibility or models.

AppCommand.handle_app_config(app_config, **options) Perform the command’s actions for app_config, which will be an AppConfig instance corresponding to an application label given on the command line.


get_connection(backend=None, fail_silently=False, *args, **kwargs) [source] By default, a call to get_connection() will return an instance of the email backend specified in EMAIL_BACKEND. If you specify the backend argument, an instance of that backend will be instantiated. The fail_silently argument controls how the backend should handle errors. If fail_silently is True, exceptions during the email sending process will be silently ignored. All other arguments are passed directly to the cons


send_mass_mail(datatuple, fail_silently=False, auth_user=None, auth_password=None, connection=None) [source] django.core.mail.send_mass_mail() is intended to handle mass emailing. datatuple is a tuple in which each element is in this format: (subject, message, from_email, recipient_list) fail_silently, auth_user and auth_password have the same functions as in send_mail(). Each separate element of datatuple results in a separate email message. As in send_mail(), recipients in the same recipi


send_mail(subject, message, from_email, recipient_list, fail_silently=False, auth_user=None, auth_password=None, connection=None, html_message=None) [source] The simplest way to send email is using django.core.mail.send_mail(). The subject, message, from_email and recipient_list parameters are required. subject: A string. message: A string. from_email: A string. recipient_list: A list of strings, each an email address. Each member of recipient_list will see the other recipients in the “T


mail_managers(subject, message, fail_silently=False, connection=None, html_message=None) [source] django.core.mail.mail_managers() is just like mail_admins(), except it sends an email to the site managers, as defined in the MANAGERS setting.


mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently=False, connection=None, html_message=None) [source] django.core.mail.mail_admins() is a shortcut for sending an email to the site admins, as defined in the ADMINS setting. mail_admins() prefixes the subject with the value of the EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX setting, which is "[Django] " by default. The “From:” header of the email will be the value of the SERVER_EMAIL setting. This method exists for convenience and readability. If html_message is provided,


FileUploadHandler.receive_data_chunk(raw_data, start) [source] Receives a “chunk” of data from the file upload. raw_data is a byte string containing the uploaded data. start is the position in the file where this raw_data chunk begins. The data you return will get fed into the subsequent upload handlers’ receive_data_chunk methods. In this way, one handler can be a “filter” for other handlers. Return None from receive_data_chunk to short-circuit remaining upload handlers from getting this ch


class MemoryFileUploadHandler [source] File upload handler to stream uploads into memory (used for small files).


class TemporaryFileUploadHandler [source] Upload handler that streams data into a temporary file using TemporaryUploadedFile.