
GEOSGeometry.simplify(tolerance=0.0, preserve_topology=False) Returns a new GEOSGeometry, simplified to the specified tolerance using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. A higher tolerance value implies fewer points in the output. If no tolerance is provided, it defaults to 0. By default, this function does not preserve topology. For example, Polygon objects can be split, be collapsed into lines, or disappear. Polygon holes can be created or disappear, and lines may cross. By specifying preserve_


GEOSGeometry.relate(other) Returns the DE-9IM intersection matrix (a string) representing the topological relationship between this geometry and the other.


GEOSGeometry.ring Returns a boolean indicating whether the geometry is a LinearRing.


GEOSGeometry.simple Returns a boolean indicating whether the geometry is ‘simple’. A geometry is simple if and only if it does not intersect itself (except at boundary points). For example, a LineString object is not simple if it intersects itself. Thus, LinearRing and Polygon objects are always simple because they do cannot intersect themselves, by definition.


GEOSGeometry.prepared Returns a GEOS PreparedGeometry for the contents of this geometry. PreparedGeometry objects are optimized for the contains, intersects, covers, crosses, disjoint, overlaps, touches and within operations. Refer to the Prepared Geometries documentation for more information.


GEOSGeometry.overlaps(other) Returns true if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two geometries is T*T***T** (for two points or two surfaces) 1*T***T** (for two curves).


GEOSGeometry.point_on_surface Computes and returns a Point guaranteed to be on the interior of this geometry.




GEOSGeometry.project_normalized(point) Returns the distance (float) from the origin of the geometry (LineString or MultiLineString) to the point projected on the geometry (that is to a point of the line the closest to the given point). The normalized version returns the distance as a float between 0 (origin) and 1 (endpoint). Reverse of GEOSGeometry.interpolate().


GEOSGeometry.json Returns the GeoJSON representation of the geometry. Note that the result is not a complete GeoJSON structure but only the geometry key content of a GeoJSON structure. See also GeoJSON Serializer.