
decimal_places The maximum number of decimal places permitted.


class DecimalField(**kwargs) [source] Default widget: NumberInput when Field.localize is False, else TextInput. Empty value: None Normalizes to: A Python decimal. Validates that the given value is a decimal. Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored. Error message keys: required, invalid, max_value, min_value, max_digits, max_decimal_places, max_whole_digits The max_value and min_value error messages may contain %(limit_value)s, which will be substituted by the appropriate limit. Simila


format The format in which this field’s initial value will be displayed. If no format argument is provided, the default format is the first format found in DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS and respects Format localization. By default, the microseconds part of the time value is always set to 0. If microseconds are required, use a subclass with the supports_microseconds attribute set to True.


class DateTimeInput [source] Date/time input as a simple text box: <input type='text' ...> Takes same arguments as TextInput, with one more optional argument: format The format in which this field’s initial value will be displayed. If no format argument is provided, the default format is the first format found in DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS and respects Format localization. By default, the microseconds part of the time value is always set to 0. If microseconds are required, use a subc


input_formats A list of formats used to attempt to convert a string to a valid datetime.datetime object. If no input_formats argument is provided, the default input formats are: ['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', # '2006-10-25 14:30:59' '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', # '2006-10-25 14:30' '%Y-%m-%d', # '2006-10-25' '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', # '10/25/2006 14:30:59' '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M', # '10/25/2006 14:30' '%m/%d/%Y', # '10/25/2006' '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S', # '10/25/06 14:30:59'


class DateTimeField(**kwargs) [source] Default widget: DateTimeInput Empty value: None Normalizes to: A Python datetime.datetime object. Validates that the given value is either a datetime.datetime, or string formatted in a particular datetime format. Error message keys: required, invalid Takes one optional argument: input_formats A list of formats used to attempt to convert a string to a valid datetime.datetime object. If no input_formats argument is provided, the d


format The format in which this field’s initial value will be displayed. If no format argument is provided, the default format is the first format found in DATE_INPUT_FORMATS and respects Format localization.


class DateInput [source] Date input as a simple text box: <input type='text' ...> Takes same arguments as TextInput, with one more optional argument: format The format in which this field’s initial value will be displayed. If no format argument is provided, the default format is the first format found in DATE_INPUT_FORMATS and respects Format localization.


input_formats A list of formats used to attempt to convert a string to a valid object. If no input_formats argument is provided, the default input formats are: ['%Y-%m-%d', # '2006-10-25' '%m/%d/%Y', # '10/25/2006' '%m/%d/%y'] # '10/25/06' Additionally, if you specify USE_L10N=False in your settings, the following will also be included in the default input formats: ['%b %d %Y', # 'Oct 25 2006' '%b %d, %Y', # 'Oct 25, 2006' '%d %b %Y', # '25 Oct


class DateField(**kwargs) [source] Default widget: DateInput Empty value: None Normalizes to: A Python object. Validates that the given value is either a, datetime.datetime or string formatted in a particular date format. Error message keys: required, invalid Takes one optional argument: input_formats A list of formats used to attempt to convert a string to a valid object. If no input_formats argument is provided, the default input formats