AppCommand.handle_app_config(app_config, **options) Perform the command’s actions for app_config, which will be an AppConfig instance corresponding to an application label given on the command line.

class AppCommand A management command which takes one or more installed application labels as arguments, and does something with each of them. Rather than implementing handle(), subclasses must implement handle_app_config(), which will be called once for each application.


send_mass_mail(datatuple, fail_silently=False, auth_user=None, auth_password=None, connection=None) [source] django.core.mail.send_mass_mail() is intended to handle mass emailing. datatuple is a tuple in which each element is in this format: (subject, message, from_email, recipient_list) fail_silently, auth_user and auth_password have the same functions as in send_mail(). Each separate element of datatuple results in a separate email message. As in send_mail(), recipients in the same recipi


send_mail(subject, message, from_email, recipient_list, fail_silently=False, auth_user=None, auth_password=None, connection=None, html_message=None) [source] The simplest way to send email is using django.core.mail.send_mail(). The subject, message, from_email and recipient_list parameters are required. subject: A string. message: A string. from_email: A string. recipient_list: A list of strings, each an email address. Each member of recipient_list will see the other recipients in the “T


mail_managers(subject, message, fail_silently=False, connection=None, html_message=None) [source] django.core.mail.mail_managers() is just like mail_admins(), except it sends an email to the site managers, as defined in the MANAGERS setting.


mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently=False, connection=None, html_message=None) [source] django.core.mail.mail_admins() is a shortcut for sending an email to the site admins, as defined in the ADMINS setting. mail_admins() prefixes the subject with the value of the EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX setting, which is "[Django] " by default. The “From:” header of the email will be the value of the SERVER_EMAIL setting. This method exists for convenience and readability. If html_message is provided,


get_connection(backend=None, fail_silently=False, *args, **kwargs) [source] By default, a call to get_connection() will return an instance of the email backend specified in EMAIL_BACKEND. If you specify the backend argument, an instance of that backend will be instantiated. The fail_silently argument controls how the backend should handle errors. If fail_silently is True, exceptions during the email sending process will be silently ignored. All other arguments are passed directly to the cons


class EmailMessage [source] The EmailMessage class is initialized with the following parameters (in the given order, if positional arguments are used). All parameters are optional and can be set at any time prior to calling the send() method. subject: The subject line of the email. body: The body text. This should be a plain text message. from_email: The sender’s address. Both and Fred <> forms are legal. If omitted, the DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL setting is


class backends.smtp.EmailBackend(host=None, port=None, username=None, password=None, use_tls=None, fail_silently=False, use_ssl=None, timeout=None, ssl_keyfile=None, ssl_certfile=None, **kwargs) This is the default backend. Email will be sent through a SMTP server. The value for each argument is retrieved from the matching setting if the argument is None: host: EMAIL_HOST port: EMAIL_PORT username: EMAIL_HOST_USER password: EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD use_tls: EMAIL_USE_TLS use_ssl: EMAIL


class TemporaryFileUploadHandler [source] Upload handler that streams data into a temporary file using TemporaryUploadedFile.