
@at-root The @at-root directive causes one or more rules to be emitted at the root of the document, rather than being nested beneath their parent selectors. It can either be used with a single inline selector: .parent { ... @at-root .child { ... } } Which would produce: .parent { ... } .child { ... } Or it can be used with a block containing multiple selectors: .parent { ... @at-root { .child1 { ... } .child2 { ... } } .step-child { ... } } Which would output the following:


:nested Nested style is the default Sass style, because it reflects the structure of the CSS styles and the HTML document they’re styling. Each property has its own line, but the indentation isn’t constant. Each rule is indented based on how deeply it’s nested. For example: #main { color: #fff; background-color: #000; } #main p { width: 10em; } .huge { font-size: 10em; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } Nested style is very useful when looking at large CSS files:


@debug The @debug directive prints the value of a SassScript expression to the standard error output stream. It’s useful for debugging Sass files that have complicated SassScript going on. For example: @debug 10em + 12em; outputs: Line 1 DEBUG: 22em


:compact Compact style takes up less space than Nested or Expanded. It also draws the focus more to the selectors than to their properties. Each CSS rule takes up only one line, with every property defined on that line. Nested rules are placed next to each other with no newline, while separate groups of rules have newlines between them. For example: #main { color: #fff; background-color: #000; } #main p { width: 10em; } .huge { font-size: 10em; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; }


:expanded Expanded is a more typical human-made CSS style, with each property and rule taking up one line. Properties are indented within the rules, but the rules aren’t indented in any special way. For example: #main { color: #fff; background-color: #000; } #main p { width: 10em; } .huge { font-size: 10em; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; }

&: parent selector

Referencing Parent Selectors: & Sometimes it’s useful to use a nested rule’s parent selector in other ways than the default. For instance, you might want to have special styles for when that selector is hovered over or for when the body element has a certain class. In these cases, you can explicitly specify where the parent selector should be inserted using the & character. For example: a { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; &:hover { text-decoration: underline; } bo


:compressed Compressed style takes up the minimum amount of space possible, having no whitespace except that necessary to separate selectors and a newline at the end of the file. It also includes some other minor compressions, such as choosing the smallest representation for colors. It’s not meant to be human-readable. For example: #main{color:#fff;background-color:#000}#main p{width:10em}.huge{font-size:10em;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline}

& in sassScript

& in SassScript Just like when it’s used in selectors, & in SassScript refers to the current parent selector. It’s a comma-separated list of space-separated lists. For example: .foo.bar .baz.bang, .bip.qux { $selector: &; } The value of $selector is now ((".foo.bar" ".baz.bang"), ".bip.qux"). The compound selectors are quoted here to indicate that they’re strings, but in reality they would be unquoted. Even if the parent selector doesn’t contain a comma or a space, & will alw

%: placeholder selector

Placeholder Selectors: %foo Sass supports a special type of selector called a “placeholder selector”. These look like class and id selectors, except the # or . is replaced by %. They’re meant to be used with the @extend directive; for more information see @extend-Only Selectors. On their own, without any use of @extend, rulesets that use placeholder selectors will not be rendered to CSS.

$: variables

Variables: $ The most straightforward way to use SassScript is to use variables. Variables begin with dollar signs, and are set like CSS properties: $width: 5em; You can then refer to them in properties: #main { width: $width; } Variables are only available within the level of nested selectors where they’re defined. If they’re defined outside of any nested selectors, they’re available everywhere. They can also be defined with the !global flag, in which case they’re also available everywhere.