Available since LÖVE 0.10.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Creates a new drawable Video. Currently only Ogg Theora video files are supported. This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love.update or love.draw. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused! Function Synopsis video = filename, loadaudio ) Arguments string filename The file path Available since LÖVE 0.10.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Creates a new drawable Text object. This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love.update or love.draw. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused! Function Synopsis text = font, textstring ) Arguments Font font The font to use for the text. string textstring (nil) The initial strin Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 and removed in LÖVE 0.9.0 Lua functions can be used directly with (or in 0.9). Creates a new stencil. Function Synopsis myStencil = stencilFunction ) Arguments function stencilFunction Function that draws the stencil. Returns function myStencil Function that defines the new stencil. See Also Creates a new SpriteBatch object. This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love.update or love.draw. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused! Function Synopsis spriteBatch = image, maxsprites ) Arguments Image image The Image to use for the sprites. number maxsprites (1000) The maximum number of sprites that the SpriteBatch can contain at any give Available since LÖVE 0.9.0 It has been renamed from This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love.update or love.draw. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused! Creates a new Shader object for hardware-accelerated vertex and pixel effects. A Shader contains either vertex shader code, pixel shader code, or both. Shaders are small programs which are ru Creates a screenshot and returns the image data. This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love.update or love.draw. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused! Function Synopsis screenshot = ) Arguments None. Returns ImageData screenshot The image data of the screenshot. Function Available since LÖVE 0.9.0 This variant is not supported in earlier Creates a new Quad. This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love.update or love.draw. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused! Function Synopsis quad = x, y, width, height, sw, sh ) Arguments number x The top-left position in the Image along the x-axis. number y The top-left position in the Image along the y-axis. number width The width of the Quad in the Ima Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 and removed in LÖVE 0.9.0 It has been renamed to Creates a new PixelEffect object for hardware-accelerated pixel level effects. A PixelEffect contains at least one function, named effect, which is the effect itself, but it can contain additional functions. Function Synopsis pixeleffect = code ) Arguments string code The pixel effect code. Returns PixelEffect pixeleffect A Pix Creates a new ParticleSystem. This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love.update or love.draw. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused! Function Synopsis system = image, buffer ) Arguments Image image The image to use. number buffer The max number of particles at the same time. Returns ParticleSystem system A new ParticleSystem. Funct Available since LÖVE 0.9.0 This function is not supported in earlier versions. Creates a new Mesh. Use Mesh:setTexture if the Mesh should be textured with an Image or Canvas when it's drawn. This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love.update or love.draw. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused! Function Available since LÖVE 0.10.0 This variant is not supported in earlier ve