static array compiles() Get a list of files that should be compiled for the package. Return Value array
void __construct(Schedule $schedule) Create a new command instance. Parameters Schedule $schedule Return Value void
ScheduleServiceProvider class ScheduleServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider (View source) Methods void __construct(Application $app) Create a new service provider instance. from ServiceProvider void register() Register the service provider. static array pathsToPublish(string $provider = null, string $group = null) Get the paths to publish. from ServiceProvider void commands(array|mixed $commands) Register the package's custom Artisan commands. from ServiceProvider array
void setLaravel(Container $laravel) Set the Laravel application instance. Parameters Container $laravel Return Value void
void table(array $headers, Arrayable|array $rows, string $style = 'default') Format input to textual table. Parameters array $headers Arrayable|array $rows string $style Return Value void
string secret(string $question, bool $fallback = true) Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console. Parameters string $question bool $fallback Return Value string
void warn(string $string, null|int|string $verbosity = null) Write a string as warning output. Parameters string $string null|int|string $verbosity Return Value void
string|array option(string $key = null) Get the value of a command option. Parameters string $key Return Value string|array
void line(string $string, string $style = null, null|int|string $verbosity = null) Write a string as standard output. Parameters string $string string $style null|int|string $verbosity Return Value void
void info(string $string, null|int|string $verbosity = null) Write a string as information output. Parameters string $string null|int|string $verbosity Return Value void
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