
Configuration Introduction Accessing Configuration Values Environment Configuration Determining The Current Environment Configuration Caching Maintenance Mode Introduction All of the configuration files for the Laravel framework are stored in the config directory. Each option is documented, so feel free to look through the files and get familiar with the options available to you.


bool publish(string $package, string $source) Publish configuration files from a given path. Parameters string $package string $source Return Value bool


void __construct(Filesystem $files, string $publishPath) Create a new configuration publisher instance. Parameters Filesystem $files string $publishPath Return Value void


void __construct(ConfigPublisher $config) Create a new configuration publish command instance. Parameters ConfigPublisher $config Return Value void


void table(array $headers, array $rows, string $style = 'default') Format input to textual table Parameters array $headers array $rows string $style Return Value void


ConfigPublisher class ConfigPublisher (View source) Methods void __construct(Filesystem $files, string $publishPath) Create a new configuration publisher instance. bool publish(string $package, string $source) Publish configuration files from a given path. bool publishPackage(string $package, string $packagePath = null) Publish the configuration files for a package. bool alreadyPublished(string $package) Determine if a given package has already been published. string g


bool alreadyPublished(string $package) Determine if a given package has already been published. Parameters string $package Return Value bool


void setLaravel(Application $laravel) Set the Laravel application instance. Parameters Application $laravel Return Value void


string secret(string $question, bool $fallback = true) Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console. Parameters string $question bool $fallback Return Value string


void line(string $string) Write a string as standard output. Parameters string $string Return Value void