string|array option(string $key = null) Get the value of a command option. Parameters string $key Return Value string|array
void reflash() Reflash all of the session flash data. Return Value void
$this fill(array $attributes) Fill the model with an array of attributes. Parameters array $attributes Return Value $this Exceptions MassAssignmentException
JoinClause class JoinClause extends Builder (View source) Traits Macroable
void state(string $class, string $state, callable $attributes) Define a state with a given set of attributes. Parameters string $class string $state callable $attributes Return Value void
App class App extends Facade (View source) Methods static void swap(mixed $instance) Hotswap the underlying instance behind the facade. from Facade static Expectation shouldReceive() Initiate a mock expectation on the facade. from Facade static mixed getFacadeRoot() Get the root object behind the facade. from Facade static void clearResolvedInstance(string $name) Clear a resolved facade instance. from Facade static void clearResolvedInstances() Clear all of the resolved in
array|null send(mixed $notifiable, Notification $notification) Send the given notification. Parameters mixed $notifiable Notification $notification Return Value array|null
void reconnect() Reconnect to the database. Return Value void Exceptions LogicException
static void macro(string $name, callable $macro) Register a custom macro. Parameters string $name callable $macro Return Value void
void comment(string $string, null|int|string $verbosity = null) Write a string as comment output. Parameters string $string null|int|string $verbosity Return Value void
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