Broadcast class Broadcast extends Facade (View source) Methods static void swap(mixed $instance) Hotswap the underlying instance behind the facade. from Facade static void spy() Convert the facade into a Mockery spy. from Facade static Expectation shouldReceive() Initiate a mock expectation on the facade. from Facade static mixed getFacadeRoot() Get the root object behind the facade. from Facade static void clearResolvedInstance(string $name) Clear a resolved facade instan
string getStart() Create the beginning leader of a pagination slider. Return Value string
string render() Render the Pagination contents. Return Value string
void __construct(Paginator $paginator) Create a new Presenter instance. Parameters Paginator $paginator Return Value void
void setCurrentPage(int $page) Set the value of the current page. Parameters int $page Return Value void
void setLastPage(int $page) Set the value of the last page. Parameters int $page Return Value void
string getFinish() Create the ending cap of a pagination slider. Return Value string
string getLink(mixed $page) Create a pagination slider link. Parameters mixed $page Return Value string
string getPageRange(int $start, int $end) Create a range of pagination links. Parameters int $start int $end Return Value string
string getPageLinkWrapper(string $url, int $page, string $rel = null) Get HTML wrapper for a page link. Parameters string $url int $page string $rel Return Value string
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