
void __construct(Filesystem $files, string $publishPath) Create a new asset publisher instance. Parameters Filesystem $files string $publishPath Return Value void


Attempting class Attempting (View source) Properties array $credentials The credentials for the user. bool $remember Indicates if the user should be "remembered". bool $login Indicates if the user should be authenticated if successful.


bool publish(string $name, string $source) Copy all assets from a given path to the publish path. Parameters string $name string $source Return Value bool Exceptions RuntimeException


AssetPublisher class AssetPublisher (View source) Methods void __construct(Filesystem $files, string $publishPath) Create a new asset publisher instance. bool publish(string $name, string $source) Copy all assets from a given path to the publish path. bool publishPackage(string $package, string $packagePath = null) Publish a given package's assets to the publish path. void setPackagePath(string $packagePath) Set the default package path.


void setLaravel(Application $laravel) Set the Laravel application instance. Parameters Application $laravel Return Value void


void table(array $headers, array $rows, string $style = 'default') Format input to textual table Parameters array $headers array $rows string $style Return Value void


void __construct(AssetPublisher $assets) Create a new asset publish command instance. Parameters AssetPublisher $assets Return Value void


string secret(string $question, bool $fallback = true) Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console. Parameters string $question bool $fallback Return Value string


void question(string $string) Write a string as question output. Parameters string $string Return Value void


string|array option(string $key = null) Get the value of a command option. Parameters string $key Return Value string|array