
SupportsBasicAuth interface SupportsBasicAuth (View source) Methods Response|null basic(string $field = 'email', array $extraConditions = array()) Attempt to authenticate using HTTP Basic Auth. Response|null onceBasic(string $field = 'email', array $extraConditions = array()) Perform a stateless HTTP Basic login attempt.


Illuminate\Support Namespaces Illuminate\Support\ContractsIlluminate\Support\FacadesIlluminate\Support\Traits Classes Arr ClassLoader Collection Fluent Manager MessageBag NamespacedItemResolver Pluralizer SerializableClosure Extends SuperClosure for backwards compatibility. ServiceProvider Str ViewErrorBag


void __construct(Registrar $router) Create a new bindings substitutor. Parameters Registrar $router Return Value void


mixed handle(Request $request, Closure $next) Handle an incoming request. Parameters Request $request Closure $next Return Value mixed


SubstituteBindings class SubstituteBindings (View source) Methods void __construct(Registrar $router) Create a new bindings substitutor. mixed handle(Request $request, Closure $next) Handle an incoming request.

SubscribeCommand deprecated::__construct()

void __construct() Create a new console command instance. Return Value void

SubscribeCommand deprecated::warn()

void warn(string $string) Write a string as warning output. Parameters string $string Return Value void

SubscribeCommand deprecated::table()

void table(array $headers, Arrayable|array $rows, string $style = 'default') Format input to textual table. Parameters array $headers Arrayable|array $rows string $style Return Value void

SubscribeCommand deprecated::setLaravel()

void setLaravel(Application $laravel) Set the Laravel application instance. Parameters Application $laravel Return Value void

SubscribeCommand deprecated::secret()

string secret(string $question, bool $fallback = true) Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console. Parameters string $question bool $fallback Return Value string