string|array option(string $key = null) Get the value of a command option. Parameters string $key Return Value string|array
void line(string $string, string $style = null, null|int|string $verbosity = null) Write a string as standard output. Parameters string $string string $style null|int|string $verbosity Return Value void
void info(string $string, null|int|string $verbosity = null) Write a string as information output. Parameters string $string null|int|string $verbosity Return Value void
bool hasOption(string $name) Determine if the given option is present. Parameters string $name Return Value bool
bool hasArgument(string|int $name) Determine if the given argument is present. Parameters string|int $name Return Value bool
OutputInterface getOutput() Get the output implementation. Return Value OutputInterface
Application getLaravel() Get the Laravel application instance. Return Value Application
void fire() Execute the console command. Return Value void
void error(string $string, null|int|string $verbosity = null) Write a string as error output. Parameters string $string null|int|string $verbosity Return Value void
bool confirm(string $question, bool $default = false) Confirm a question with the user. Parameters string $question bool $default Return Value bool
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