Application getLaravel() Get the Laravel application instance. Return Value Application
void fire() Execute the console command. Return Value void
void error(string $string) Write a string as error output. Parameters string $string Return Value void
void error(string $string, null|int|string $verbosity = null) Write a string as error output. Parameters string $string null|int|string $verbosity Return Value void
bool confirmToProceed(string $warning = 'Application In Production!', Closure $callback = null) Confirm before proceeding with the action Parameters string $warning Closure $callback Return Value bool
bool confirmToProceed(string $warning = 'Application In Production!', Closure|bool|null $callback = null) Confirm before proceeding with the action. Parameters string $warning Closure|bool|null $callback Return Value bool
bool confirm(string $question, bool $default = false) Confirm a question with the user. Parameters string $question bool $default Return Value bool
void comment(string $string) Write a string as comment output. Parameters string $string Return Value void
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