
int|bool decrement(string $key, mixed $value = 1) Increment the value of an item in the cache. Parameters string $key mixed $value Return Value int|bool


XCacheStore class XCacheStore extends TaggableStore implements Store (View source) Methods TaggedCache section(string $name) deprecated Begin executing a new tags operation. from TaggableStore TaggedCache tags(array|mixed $names) Begin executing a new tags operation. from TaggableStore void __construct(string $prefix = '') Create a new WinCache store. mixed get(string $key) Retrieve an item from the cache by key. void put(string $key, mixed $value, int $minutes) Store an


void __construct(Logger $monolog, Dispatcher $dispatcher = null) Create a new log writer instance. Parameters Logger $monolog Dispatcher $dispatcher Return Value void


void write(string $level, string $message, array $context = array()) Dynamically pass log calls into the writer. Parameters string $level string $message array $context Return Value void


void warning(string $message, array $context = array()) Log a warning message to the logs. Parameters string $message array $context Return Value void


LoggerInterface useSyslog(string $name = 'laravel', string $level = 'debug') Register a Syslog handler. Parameters string $name string $level Return Value LoggerInterface


void useFiles(string $path, string $level = 'debug') Register a file log handler. Parameters string $path string $level Return Value void


void useErrorLog(string $level = 'debug', int $messageType = ErrorLogHandler::OPERATING_SYSTEM) Register an error_log handler. Parameters string $level int $messageType Return Value void


void useDailyFiles(string $path, int $days, string $level = 'debug') Register a daily file log handler. Parameters string $path int $days string $level Return Value void


void setEventDispatcher(Dispatcher $dispatcher) Set the event dispatcher instance. Parameters Dispatcher $dispatcher Return Value void