
DatabaseServiceProvider class DatabaseServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider (View source) Methods void __construct(Application $app) Create a new service provider instance. from ServiceProvider void register() Register the service provider. static array pathsToPublish(string $provider = null, string $group = null) Get the paths to publish. from ServiceProvider void commands(array|mixed $commands) Register the package's custom Artisan commands. from ServiceProvider array


void __construct(Connection $connection, string $table, string $hashKey, int $expires = 60) Create a new reminder repository instance. Parameters Connection $connection string $table string $hashKey int $expires Return Value void


Connection getConnection() Get the database connection instance. Return Value Connection


bool exists(RemindableInterface $user, string $token) Determine if a reminder record exists and is valid. Parameters RemindableInterface $user string $token Return Value bool


void deleteExpired() Delete expired reminders. Return Value void


void delete(string $token) Delete a reminder record by token. Parameters string $token Return Value void


string createNewToken(RemindableInterface $user) Create a new token for the user. Parameters RemindableInterface $user Return Value string


string create(RemindableInterface $user) Create a new reminder record and token. Parameters RemindableInterface $user Return Value string


DatabaseReminderRepository class DatabaseReminderRepository implements ReminderRepositoryInterface (View source) Methods void __construct(Connection $connection, string $table, string $hashKey, int $expires = 60) Create a new reminder repository instance. string create(RemindableInterface $user) Create a new reminder record and token. bool exists(RemindableInterface $user, string $token) Determine if a reminder record exists and is valid. void delete(string $token) Delete a


void __construct(Connection $database, string $table, string $default = 'default', int $expire = 60) Create a new database queue instance. Parameters Connection $database string $table string $default int $expire Return Value void