static bool isUnguarded() Determine if current state is "unguarded". Return Value bool
bool isGuarded(string $key) Determine if the given key is guarded. Parameters string $key Return Value bool
bool isFillable(string $key) Determine if the given attribute may be mass assigned. Parameters string $key Return Value bool
bool isDirty(array|string|null $attributes = null) Determine if the model or given attribute(s) have been modified. Parameters array|string|null $attributes Return Value bool
bool isClean(array|string|null $attributes = null) Determine if the model or given attribute(s) have remained the same. Parameters array|string|null $attributes Return Value bool
bool is(Model $model) Determine if two models have the same ID and belong to the same table. Parameters Model $model Return Value bool
static Collection hydrateRaw(string $query, array $bindings = array(), string|null $connection = null) Create a collection of models from a raw query. Parameters string $query array $bindings string|null $connection Return Value Collection
static Collection hydrate(array $items, string|null $connection = null) Create a collection of models from plain arrays. Parameters array $items string|null $connection Return Value Collection
bool hasSetMutator(string $key) Determine if a set mutator exists for an attribute. Parameters string $key Return Value bool
HasOne hasOne(string $related, string $foreignKey = null, string $localKey = null) Define a one-to-one relationship. Parameters string $related string $foreignKey string $localKey Return Value HasOne
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