
Composer class Composer (View source) Methods void __construct(Filesystem $files, string|null $workingPath = null) Create a new Composer manager instance. void dumpAutoloads(string $extra = '') Regenerate the Composer autoloader files. void dumpOptimized() Regenerate the optimized Composer autoloader files. $this setWorkingPath(string $path) Set the working path used by the class.

Compiling Assets (Laravel Elixir)

Compiling Assets (Laravel Elixir) Introduction Installation & Setup Running Elixir Working With Stylesheets Less Sass Stylus Plain CSS Source Maps Working With Scripts Webpack Rollup Scripts Copying Files & Directories Versioning / Cache Busting BrowserSync Introduction Laravel Elixir provides a clean, fluent API for defining basic Gulp tasks for your Laravel application. Elixir supports common CSS and JavaScript pre-processors like Sass and Webpack. Using method chaining, Elixir


bool isExpired(string $path) Determine if the given view is expired. Parameters string $path Return Value bool


string getCompiledPath(string $path) Get the path to the compiled version of a view. Parameters string $path Return Value string


void compile(string $path) Compile the view at the given path. Parameters string $path Return Value void


CompilerInterface interface CompilerInterface (View source) Methods string getCompiledPath(string $path) Get the path to the compiled version of a view. bool isExpired(string $path) Determine if the given view is expired. void compile(string $path) Compile the view at the given path.


void __construct(CompilerInterface $compiler) Create a new Blade view engine instance. Parameters CompilerInterface $compiler Return Value void


CompilerInterface getCompiler() Get the compiler implementation. Return Value CompilerInterface


string get(string $path, array $data = array()) Get the evaluated contents of the view. Parameters string $path array $data Return Value string


CompilerEngine class CompilerEngine extends PhpEngine (View source) Methods string get(string $path, array $data = array()) Get the evaluated contents of the view. void __construct(CompilerInterface $compiler) Create a new Blade view engine instance. CompilerInterface getCompiler() Get the compiler implementation.