Customizing a Component's Element

Customizing a Component's Element By default, each component is backed by a <div> element. If you were to look at a rendered component in your developer tools, you would see a DOM representation that looked something like: <div id="ember180" class="ember-view"> <h1>My Component</h1> </div> You can customize what type of element Ember generates for your component, including its attributes and class names, by creating a subclass of Ember.Component in your JavaSc

Creating Your App

Creating Your App Welcome to the Ember Tutorial! This tutorial is meant to introduce basic Ember concepts while creating a professional looking application. If you get stuck at any point during the tutorial feel free to visit for a working example of the completed app. Ember CLI, Ember's command line interface, provides a standard project structure, a set of development tools, and an addon system. This allows Ember developers to focus on building a

Creating a Handlebars Helper

Creating a Handlebars Helper So far, our app is directly showing the user data from our Ember Data models. As our app grows, we will want to manipulate data further before presenting it to our users. For this reason, Ember offers Handlebars template helpers to decorate the data in our templates. Let's use a handlebars helper to allow our users to quickly see if a property is "standalone" or part of a "Community". To get started, let's generate a helper for rental-property-type: ember g helper


trigger (name) private Inherited from Ember.Evented but overwritten in packages/ember-views/lib/views/core_view.js:81 Override the default event firing from Ember.Evented to also call methods with the given name. Parameters: name String

Creating, Updating and Deleting

Creating, Updating and Deleting Creating Records You can create records by calling the createRecord() method on the store. store.createRecord('post', { title: 'Rails is Omakase', body: 'Lorem ipsum' }); The store object is available in controllers and routes using this.get('store'). Updating Records Making changes to Ember Data records is as simple as setting the attribute you want to change: this.get('store').findRecord('person', 1).then(function(tyrion) { // ...after the record has l


parentViewEmber.Viewprivate Defined in packages/ember-views/lib/views/core_view.js:62 If the view is currently inserted into the DOM of a parent view, this property will point to the parent of the view. Default: null


getViewBoundingClientRect (view) private Defined in packages/ember-views/lib/system/utils.js:47 getViewBoundingClientRect provides information about the position of the bounding border box edges of a view relative to the viewport. It is only intended to be used by development tools like the Ember Inpsector and may not work on older browsers. Parameters: view Ember.View


getViewRange (view) private Defined in packages/ember-views/lib/system/utils.js:19 Parameters: view Ember.View


getViewClientRects (view) private Defined in packages/ember-views/lib/system/utils.js:31 getViewClientRects provides information about the position of the border box edges of a view relative to the viewport. It is only intended to be used by development tools like the Ember Inspector and may not work on older browsers. Parameters: view Ember.View


Ember.CoreView Class DEPRECATED PRIVATE Extends: Ember.Object Uses: Ember.Evented Uses: Ember.ActionHandler Defined in: packages/ember-views/lib/views/core_view.js:18 Module: ember Ember.CoreView is an abstract class that exists to give view-like behavior to both Ember's main view class Ember.View and other classes that don't need the fully functionaltiy of Ember.View. Unless you have specific needs for CoreView, you will use Ember.View in your applications.