
Ember.InjectedProperty Class PRIVATE Defined in: packages/ember-metal/lib/injected_property.js:7 Module: ember Read-only property that returns the result of a container lookup.


classStringForValue (path, val, className, falsyClassName) privatestatic Defined in packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/streams/class_name_binding.js:53 Get the class name for a given value, based on the path, optional className and optional falsyClassName. if a className or falsyClassName has been specified: if the value is truthy and className has been specified, className is returned if the value is falsy and falsyClassName has been specified, falsyClassName is returned otherwise null is returne


disableCache;public Defined in node_modules/ember-inflector/addon/lib/system/inflector.js:154


_normalizeResponse (store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType, isSingle) Objectprivate Defined in addon/serializers/json.js:444 Parameters: store DS.Store primaryModelClass DS.Model payload Object id String|Number requestType String isSingle Boolean Returns: Object JSON-API Document


normalizeFindAllResponse (store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType) Object Defined in addon/serializers/json.js:290 Available since 1.13.0 Parameters: store DS.Store primaryModelClass DS.Model payload Object id String|Number requestType String Returns: Object JSON-API Document


Ember.Object Class PUBLIC Extends: Ember.CoreObject Uses: Ember.Observable Defined in: packages/ember-runtime/lib/system/object.js:9 Module: ember-runtime Ember.Object is the main base class for all Ember objects. It is a subclass of Ember.CoreObject with the Ember.Observable mixin applied. For details, see the documentation for each of these.


map (callback, target) Arraypublic Defined in packages/ember-runtime/lib/mixins/enumerable.js:326 Maps all of the items in the enumeration to another value, returning a new array. This method corresponds to map() defined in JavaScript 1.6. The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all parameters are optional): function(item, index, enumerable); item is the current item in the iteration. index is the current index in the iteration. enumerable is the enumerable


deleteRecord Defined in addon/-private/system/model/model.js:500 Marks the record as deleted but does not save it. You must call save afterwards if you want to persist it. You might use this method if you want to allow the user to still rollbackAttributes() after a delete it was made. Example app/routes/model/delete.js import Ember from 'ember'; export default Ember.Route.extend({ actions: { softDelete: function() { this.controller.get('model').deleteRecord(); }, confirm


Backburner Class PRIVATE Defined in: packages/ember-metal/lib/index.js:281 Module: ember-metal


deprecatingAlias (dependentKey, options) Ember.ComputedPropertypublic Defined in packages/ember-runtime/lib/computed/computed_macros.js:619 Available since 1.7.0 Creates a new property that is an alias for another property on an object. Calls to get or set this property behave as though they were called on the original property, but also print a deprecation warning. let Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({ bananaCount: Ember.computed.deprecatingAlias('cavendishCount', { id: 'hamster.deprec