
_notifyPropertiesprivate Defined in addon/-private/system/model/model.js:591


length{Number} Defined in addon/-private/system/snapshot-record-array.js:28 Number of records in the array


formatURL (url) Stringprivate Defined in packages/ember-routing/lib/location/none_location.js:97 Given a URL, formats it to be placed into the page as part of an element's href attribute. This is used, for example, when using the {{action}} helper to generate a URL based on an event. Parameters: url String Returns: String url

Route#deactivate event

deactivatepublic Defined in packages/ember-routing/lib/system/route.js:712 Available since 1.9.0 This event is triggered when the router completely exits this route. It is not executed when the model for the route changes. App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({ trackPageLeaveAnalytics: function(){ trackPageLeaveAnalytics(); }.on('deactivate') });


rootElementString|DOMElementprivate Defined in packages/ember-application/lib/system/application-instance.js:67 The root DOM element of the Application as an element or a jQuery-compatible selector string.


setupprivate Defined in packages/ember-routing/lib/system/route.js:1177 This hook is the entry point for router.js


has (attribute) Boolean Defined in addon/-private/system/model/errors.js:405 Checks if there is error messages for the given attribute. app/routes/user/edit.js import Ember from 'ember'; export default Ember.Route.extend({ actions: { save: function(user) { if (user.get('errors').has('email')) { return alert('Please update your email before attempting to save.'); } user.save(); } } }); Parameters: attribute String Returns: Boolean true i


parseName (fullName) protected Defined in packages/ember-application/lib/system/resolver.js:197 Convert the string name of the form 'type:name' to a Javascript object with the parsed aspects of the name broken out. Parameters: fullName String the lookup string


getModelTypesArrayprivate Defined in packages/ember-extension-support/lib/data_adapter.js:343 Fetches all models defined in the application. Returns: Array Array of model types.


_contentWillChangeprivate Defined in packages/ember-runtime/lib/system/array_proxy.js:133 Invoked when the content property is about to change. Notifies observers that the entire array content will change.