
purgedCachepublic Defined in node_modules/ember-inflector/addon/lib/system/inflector.js:143


Ember Namespace PUBLIC Defined in: packages/ember-metal/lib/core.js:8 Module: ember-metal This namespace contains all Ember methods and functions. Future versions of Ember may overwrite this namespace and therefore, you should avoid adding any new properties. At the heart of Ember is Ember-Runtime, a set of core functions that provide cross-platform compatibility and object property observing. Ember-Runtime is small and performance-focused so you can use it alongside other cross-platform l


_warnIfUsingStrippedFeatureFlagsVoidprivate Defined in packages/ember-debug/lib/index.js:160 Will call Ember.warn() if ENABLEOPTIONALFEATURES or any specific FEATURES flag is truthy. This method is called automatically in debug canary builds. Returns: Void


filterBy (dependentKey, propertyKey, value) Ember.ComputedPropertypublic Defined in packages/ember-runtime/lib/computed/reduce_computed_macros.js:291 Filters the array by the property and value let Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({ remainingChores: Ember.computed.filterBy('chores', 'done', false) }); let hamster = Hamster.create({ chores: [ { name: 'cook', done: true }, { name: 'clean', done: true }, { name: 'write more unit tests', done: false } ] }); hamster.get('remaini


allSettled (entries, label) Promisestatic Defined in bower_components/rsvp/lib/rsvp/all-settled.js:19 RSVP.allSettled is similar to RSVP.all, but instead of implementing a fail-fast method, it waits until all the promises have returned and shows you all the results. This is useful if you want to handle multiple promises' failure states together as a set. Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the given promises have been settled. The return promise is fulfilled with an array of the st

observer (propertyNames, func) public Defined in packages/ember-metal/lib/mixin.js:703 Specify a method that observes property changes. Ember.Object.extend({ valueObserver:'value', function() { // Executes whenever the "value" property changes }) }); Also available as Function.prototype.observes if prototype extensions are enabled. Parameters: propertyNames String func Function Returns: func


currentRouteNameObjectpublic Defined in packages/ember-testing/lib/helpers/current_route_name.js:6 Available since 1.5.0 Returns the currently active route name. Example: javascript function validateRouteName() { equal(currentRouteName(), 'some.path', "correct route was transitioned into."); } visit('/some/path').then(validateRouteName) Returns: Object The name of the currently active route.


store (store) private Defined in packages/ember-routing/lib/system/route.js:1531 Store property provides a hook for data persistence libraries to inject themselves. By default, this store property provides the exact same functionality previously in the model hook. Currently, the required interface is: store.find(modelName, findArguments) Parameters: store Object


register (fullName, factory, options) private Defined in packages/container/lib/registry.js:151 Registers a factory for later injection. Example: let registry = new Registry(); registry.register('model:user', Person, {singleton: false }); registry.register('fruit:favorite', Orange); registry.register('communication:main', Email, {singleton: false}); Parameters: fullName String factory Function options Object


activeprivate Defined in packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/components/link-to.js:570 Accessed as a classname binding to apply the LinkComponent's activeClass CSS class to the element when the link is active. A LinkComponent is considered active when its currentWhen property is true or the application's current route is the route the LinkComponent would trigger transitions into. The currentWhen property can match against multiple routes by separating route names using the (space) character.