
generateGuid (obj, prefix) Stringprivate Defined in packages/ember-metal/lib/utils.js:129 Generates a new guid, optionally saving the guid to the object that you pass in. You will rarely need to use this method. Instead you should call Ember.guidFor(obj), which return an existing guid if available. Parameters: obj [Object] Object the guid will be used for. If passed in, the guid will be saved on the object and reused whenever you pass the same object again. If no object is passed, just


createInjectionHelper (type, validator) private Defined in packages/ember-runtime/lib/inject.js:19 Available since 1.10.0 This method allows other Ember modules to register injection helpers for a given container type. Helpers are exported to the inject namespace as the container type itself. Parameters: type String The container type the helper will inject validator Function A validation callback that is executed at mixin-time


resolveTemplate (parsedName) protected Defined in packages/ember-application/lib/system/resolver.js:301 Look up the template in Ember.TEMPLATES Parameters: parsedName Object a parseName object with the parsed fullName lookup string


Conditionals Statements like if and unless are implemented as built-in helpers. Helpers can be invoked three ways, each of which is illustrated below with conditionals. The first style of invocation is inline invocation. This looks similar to displaying a property, but helpers accept arguments. For example: <div> {{if isFast "zoooom" "putt-putt-putt"}} </div> {{if}} in this case returns "zoooom" when isFast is true and "putt-putt-putt" when isFast is false. Helpers invoked as i


actionpublic Defined in packages/ember-htmlbars/lib/keywords/action.js:9 The {{action}} helper provides a way to pass triggers for behavior (usually just a function) between components, and into components from controllers. Passing functions with the action helper There are three contexts an action helper can be used in. The first two contexts to discuss are attribute context, and Handlebars value context. {{! An example of attribute context }} <div onclick={{action "save"}}></div&


findHasMany (store, snapshot, url) Promise Defined in addon/adapters/rest.js:595 Called by the store in order to fetch a JSON array for the unloaded records in a has-many relationship that were originally specified as a URL (inside of links). For example, if your original payload looks like this: { "post": { "id": 1, "title": "Rails is omakase", "links": { "comments": "/posts/1/comments" } } } This method will be called with the parent record and /posts/1/comments. The find


resetAttribute Defined in addon/-private/system/model/model.js:1036 Discards any unsaved changes to the given attribute. Example record.get('name'); // 'Untitled Document' record.set('name', 'Doc 1'); record.get('name'); // 'Doc 1' record.resetAttribute('name'); record.get('name'); // 'Untitled Document'


createAdapterPopulatedRecordArray (typeClass, query) DS.AdapterPopulatedRecordArray Defined in addon/-private/system/record-array-manager.js:287 Create a DS.AdapterPopulatedRecordArray for a type with given query. Parameters: typeClass DS.Model query Object Returns: DS.AdapterPopulatedRecordArray


removeBeforeObserver (obj, path, target, method) deprecatedprivate Defined in packages/ember-metal/lib/observer.js:93 Parameters: obj path String target Object|Function method [Function|String]


queryRecord (modelName, query) Promise Defined in addon/-private/system/store.js:1151 Available since 1.13.0 This method makes a request for one record, where the id is not known beforehand (if the id is known, use findRecord instead). This method can be used when it is certain that the server will return a single object for the primary data. Let's assume our API provides an endpoint for the currently logged in user via: // GET /api/current_user { user: { id: 1234, username: 'admi