
isLoadedBoolean Defined in addon/-private/system/record-arrays/record-array.js:46 The flag to signal a RecordArray is finished loading data. Example var people = store.peekAll('person'); people.get('isLoaded'); // true


saveDS.PromiseArray Defined in addon/-private/system/record-arrays/record-array.js:170 Saves all of the records in the RecordArray. Example var messages = store.peekAll('message'); messages.forEach(function(message) { message.set('hasBeenSeen', true); }); messages.save(); Returns: DS.PromiseArray promise


DS.PromiseObject Class Extends: Ember.ObjectProxy Uses: Ember.PromiseProxyMixin Defined in: addon/-private/system/promise-proxies.js:38 Module: ember-data A PromiseObject is an object that acts like both an Ember.Object and a promise. When the promise is resolved, then the resulting value will be set to the PromiseObject's content property. This makes it easy to create data bindings with the PromiseObject that will be updated when the promise resolves. For more information see the Ember.Pr


addInternalModel (internalModel, an) private Defined in addon/-private/system/record-arrays/record-array.js:142 Adds an internal model to the RecordArray without duplicates Parameters: internalModel InternalModel an Number optional index to insert at


DS.RecordArray Class Extends: Ember.ArrayProxy Uses: Ember.Evented Defined in: addon/-private/system/record-arrays/record-array.js:12 Module: ember-data A record array is an array that contains records of a certain type. The record array materializes records as needed when they are retrieved for the first time. You should not create record arrays yourself. Instead, an instance of DS.RecordArray or its subclasses will be returned by your application's store in response to queries.


DS.PromiseManyArray Class Extends: Ember.ArrayProxy Defined in: addon/-private/system/promise-proxies.js:81 Module: ember-data A PromiseManyArray is a PromiseArray that also proxies certain method calls to the underlying manyArray. Right now we proxy: reload() createRecord() on() one() trigger() off() has()


contentEmber.Arrayprivate Defined in addon/-private/system/record-arrays/record-array.js:34 The array of client ids backing the record array. When a record is requested from the record array, the record for the client id at the same index is materialized, if necessary, by the store.


_createprivatestatic Defined in addon/-private/system/model/model.js:959 Alias DS.Model's create method to _create. This allows us to create DS.Model instances from within the store, but if end users accidentally call create() (instead of createRecord()), we can raise an error.


DS.PromiseArray Class Extends: Ember.ArrayProxy Uses: Ember.PromiseProxyMixin Defined in: addon/-private/system/promise-proxies.js:7 Module: ember-data A PromiseArray is an object that acts like both an Ember.Array and a promise. When the promise is resolved the resulting value will be set to the PromiseArray's content property. This makes it easy to create data bindings with the PromiseArray that will be updated when the promise resolves. For more information see the Ember.PromiseProxyMix


typeForRelationship (name, store) DS.Modelstatic Defined in addon/-private/system/relationships/ext.js:161 For a given relationship name, returns the model type of the relationship. For example, if you define a model like this: app/models/post.js import DS from 'ember-data'; export default DS.Model.extend({ comments: DS.hasMany('comment') }); Calling App.Post.typeForRelationship('comments') will return App.Comment. Parameters: name String the name of the relationship store Store