Writing Helpers

Writing Helpers Helpers allow you to add additional functionality to your templates beyond what is included out-of-the-box in Ember. Helpers are most useful for transforming raw values from models and components into a format more appropriate for your users. For example, imagine we have an Invoice model that contains a totalDue attribute, which represents the total amount due for that invoice. Because we do not want our company to go out of business due to strange JavaScript rounding errors,

Wrapping Content in a Component

Wrapping Content in a Component Sometimes, you may want to define a component that wraps content provided by other templates. For example, imagine we are building a blog-post component that we can use in our application to display a blog post: app/templates/components/blog-post.hbs <h1>{{title}}</h1> <div class="body">{{body}}</div> Now, we can use the {{blog-post}} component and pass it properties in another template: {{blog-post title=title body=body}} (See Passing

Web Development

Web Development Joining a web development community can be a challenge within itself, especially when all the resources you visit assume you're familiar with other technologies that you're not familiar with. Our goal is to help you avoid that mess and come up to speed as fast as possible; you can consider us your internet friend. CDN Content Delivery Network This is typically a paid service you can use to get great performance for your app. Many CDNs act as caching proxies to your origin serv


_isVisibleDidChangeprivate Defined in packages/ember-views/lib/mixins/visibility_support.js:33 When the view's isVisible property changes, toggle the visibility element of the actual DOM element.


isVisibleBooleanpublic Defined in packages/ember-views/lib/mixins/visibility_support.js:20 If false, the view will appear hidden in DOM. Default: null


Ember.VisibilitySupport Class PUBLIC Defined in: packages/ember-views/lib/mixins/visibility_support.js:14 Module: ember-views

ViewTargetActionSupport#willInsertElement event

willInsertElementpublic Defined in packages/ember-views/lib/mixins/view_support.js:297 Called when a view is going to insert an element into the DOM.

ViewTargetActionSupport#willDestroyElement event

willDestroyElementpublic Defined in packages/ember-views/lib/mixins/view_support.js:342 Called when the element of the view is going to be destroyed. Override this function to do any teardown that requires an element, like removing event listeners. Please note: any property changes made during this event will have no effect on object observers.

ViewTargetActionSupport#willClearRender event

willClearRenderpublic Defined in packages/ember-views/lib/mixins/view_support.js:318 Called when the view is about to rerender, but before anything has been torn down. This is a good opportunity to tear down any manual observers you have installed based on the DOM state


targetprivate Defined in packages/ember-views/lib/mixins/view_target_action_support.js:48